Hapja e programeve Study of the US Institute (SUSI) per pedagoge dhe studente

  1. PROGRAMI SUSI PER PEDAGOGE (STUDY OF THE US INSTITUTE FOR SCHOLARS) The Study of U.S. Institutes (SUSI) – U.S. Embassy in Albania (usembassy.gov) perfshin fushat e listuara me poshte.


  1. American Politics and Political Thought
  2. Contemporary American Literature
  3. Journalism and Media
  4. U.S. Culture, Identity, and Society
  5. U.S. Economics and Sustainable Development
  6. U.S. Foreign Policy


Afati i aplikimit: 25 nentor 2023



  1. PROGRAMI SUSI PER STUDENT (STUDY OF THE US INSTITUTE FOR STUDENT LEADERS) The Study of U.S. Institutes (SUSI) – U.S. Embassy in Albania (usembassy.gov)  perfshin fushat e listuara me poshte. Prandaj studentet nivelit te pare, BA, viti i I dhe II, dega te gazetarise, gjeografise, shkencat e natyres – programi ambjentit jane te mirepritur.


  1. The Study of the U.S. Institutes on Journalism and Media
  2. The Study of the U.S. Institutes on Environmental Issues


Afati i aplikimit: 12 nentor 2023



Te interesuarit mund te kontaktojne ne adresen e emailit: CultureandEducationTirana@state.gov

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