Projektet aktuale

IOT Green Transformation for Academic Society and Business Oriented Ecosystem in Western Balkans. IoT-ECO, focuses on building capacity, fostering innovation, and facilitating regional cooperation. Our vision is to create an innovative ecosystem within each WB HEI, utilizing IoT/IoE solutions to address the specific needs of sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and energy.
Enhancing knowledge and skills at WB HEIs in preparation for zero carbon maritime transport and logistics society (Zero C) project aims to create the necessary prerequisites in Albania and Montenegro (WB) for providing competent, industry-oriented, human resources for shipping industry related to decarbonisation, energy efficiency and logistics optimization as well as for governmental institutions related to implementation of IMO and EU policies in the shipping sector. This will be provided through increased capacities of WB (Maritime) HEIs.
Erasmus+ PELMOB project, on "Promotion and Popularization of Electric Mobility through transformation and modernization"
Number of members: 50

Engineering Curricula Modernization in Renewable Energy in Albanan Universities( ENGINE)

he project aim is the modernization and internationalization of VET and Bachelor curricula in Engineering for Renewable Energies in the targeted universities in Albania through innovation of curricula in line with the new development in the area and the labor market demand. The use of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency ensures a sustainable economy based on the conditions of scientific development. 

Knwoledge Triangle For a Low Carbon Economy (KALCEA)

The wider project objective is to create a systematic and structural approach for implementation of knowledge triangle principles, including sharing of knowledge, information, and skills for joint exploitation of research capacities for sustainable growth based on innovation in WBC. 

Inclusive tertiary education in Western Balkans (IDEA) -

IDEA aims at addressing one of the key challenges that Europe and the Balkan region, in particular, will be facing until the end of the 2020s and to support the European policy agenda for equity and social inclusion in HE.

Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities

An initiative to form a consortium came as a response to address  appropriate forms of transparency and accountability of both public and private institutions challenges through the project Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency of Western Balkans Universities /STAND project.

CiRcular Economy Skills enhancement NeTwOrk CRESCENDO (INTERREG)

VTECH is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project led by the Aleksander Moisiu University of Durrës, Albania. The consortium has 11 partners out of which 6 are HEIs form Albania and Kosovo, and 5 partners HEIs from program countries namely Estonia, Poland, Slovenia and the Republic of North Macedonia. The project is envisaged to last for 3 years. 

USIA brings together universities, civil society organisations, public institutions and business organisations to enhance an enabling higher education environment that supports university to society collaborations in order to co-produce knowledge and research with an impact that is not only academically insightful but also applicable to the development of Albania in light of European integration and current multiple challenges.

The overall goal of this project is to improve higher education provision in Kosovo and Albania, by building institutional capacity for international relations whereby establishing or making fully functional respective offices.

Entrepreneurial skills for a modern education in Albania ( EntrAL)

EntrAL project aims at increasing the entrepreneurial awareness for pre-university teachers, university teachers and students in Albanian HEIs and schools. Therefore, the project will bring an entrepreneurial mind-set at the university and school levels by encouraging entrepreneurial teaching methods, nurturing entrepreneurial behaviour of the students and to support the creation of new ventures.

VALEU-X supports the internationalisation of Albanian universities by introducing Virtual Blended Mobility as an internationalisation at home instrument. 

Economic enhancement of knowledge in the food sector strengthening the technological transfer offices in Albanian universities (TTO4FOOD)

This project aims to transfer original and innovative methodologies and knowledge to different target groups: Academic and university administrative staff, students, enterprises, SMEs, mainly in the agro food sector, public institutions.

CiRcular Economy Skills enhancement NeTwOrk CRESCENDO (INTERREG)

Mediterranean Innovation Strategy for transnational activity of clusters and Networks of the Blue Growth (MISTRAL

Hight Specialized technicians in Kets (HISTEK)

The project HISTEK aims to create a new cross border cluster in the field of Education, in order to promote an innovative network able to implement effective synergies between educational institutions and enterprises, and train young people on Key Enabling Technologies. The project cluster will include SMEs/Training Institutions/Public Institutions belonging to the three countries, and extend the students’ chances to learn new advanced skills and acquire experience in a working environment, before entering the labour market.

⦁ Entrepreneurial Learning Exchange Initiative for Sustainable Hospitality SME-s in Balkan-Mediterranean Region (HELIX)

NEW PROJECT/⦁ Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching - (MAGNET)

NEW PROJECT/ ⦁ Partnership for Promotion and Popularization of Electrical Mobility through Transformation And Modernization of WB HEIs Study Programs PELMOB


Projekti WEBJOU është një projekt në fushën e gazetarisë së të dhëave dhe komunikimit mbi bazën e të dhënave. WEBJOU ka për qëllim të promovojë shkëmbimin e njohurive, mësimdhënien dhe mësimnxënien multidisiplinore dhe innovative në realitetin e Ballkanit Perëndimor duke përfshirë fushat e e statiskës, të dhënave shkencore, vizualizim dhe komunikim, të cilat janë instrumentë të domosdoshëm për të operuar në mënyrë efektive në fushën e gazetarisë dhe komunikimit.

Jean Monnet Programme

Projekti Erasmus+ "EU and Albania Understanding Democracy Communication and Integration", EULAB (2023-2026) financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian eshte pjese e programit Jean Monnet Module.

Development of Regional Joint Master Program in Maritime Environmental Protection and Management (MEP&M)

The MEP&M project aims toward solving multiple issues. First, coastal zone and marine environment protection are some of the Montenegrin and Albanian Governments’ priorities.