Të rejat e fundit nga UAMD


VALEU-X Partners gathered in Elbasan to attend and animate the third VALEU-X Expert Forum, hosted in Albania by the University Aleksander Xhuvani of Elbasan on 27-29 April 2022. The Expert Forum was an occasion for discussion, to provide more advanced expertise about Virtual Collaborative Learning, digitalization and innovative pedagogical practices, Internationalization at home and Virtual Mobility, for all stakeholders at Albanian universities. These events were animated by all VALEU-X project partners and...
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On October 14, 15 and 16, 2021, the 5th edition of the Erasmus Days gathered lots of people attending 5667 events in more than 67 countries all over the word. #ErasmusDays means three days of celebration of the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and beyond as a unique opportunity to organize an event, share an experience or spread the word about a project.
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The second Expert Forum of the VALUE-X project was held at the premises of the Aleksander Moisiu University in Durres from September 23 to September 27, 2021. Partners and stakeholders have been invited to attend the Expert Fortum in Albania both in presence or online. The Expert Forum has been conceptualized as a free room for discussion, to provide more advanced expertise about Virtual Collaborative Learning, Digitalization, Internationalization at home and Virtual Mobility, for...
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Sot në Fakultetin e Edukimit në UAMD është zhvilluar takimi në kuadër të projektit VALEU-X. Dr.Anita Muho, përgjegjëse e Departamentit të Gjuhëve të Huaja pranë Fakultetit të Edukimit, në universitetin “Aleksandër Moisiu” shprehet se ky projekt është i financuar nga fondet e BE dhe projektet Erasmus. VALEU-X  i ofron institucioneve të arsimit të lartë në Shqipëri një shans për të eksploruar, zbatuar dhe shpërndarë praktikat ndërkombëtare në vendin e tyre,...
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be...
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Gjithçka ndodh në UAMD

Këtu do të gjeni të rejat më të fundit rreth universitetit, kërkimit shkencor dhe ndërkombëtarizimit, arritjeve të studentëve dhe stafit, aktivitetet shkencore, sociale, kulturore dhe sportive që zhvillohen, etj.

Të rejat e fundit

Thirrje për shkëmbime të stafit administrativ me Universitetin e Leon-it, Spanjë.
Studentët e UAMD bashkëbisedim me Rektorin Prof.Dr.Shkëlqim Fortuzi

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