Speaker: Dorina Gjipali, UAMD in AlbaniaWhen: Wednesday, January 15, at 13:00 (CET)Where: Zoom (https://hv-se.zoom.us/j/69616921108) This STARS Talk will introduce the newly launched Thematic Interest Group (TIG) on Inclusion and Social Justice, a collaborative platform designed to tackle inequalities and promote equitable access across regions. Dorina Gjipali will outline the TIG’s mission to use interdisciplinary approaches that empower marginalized communities and advance social equity. The session will explore planned initiatives, key...Read More
Këtu do të gjeni të rejat më të fundit rreth universitetit, kërkimit shkencor dhe ndërkombëtarizimit, arritjeve të studentëve dhe stafit, aktivitetet shkencore, sociale, kulturore dhe sportive që zhvillohen, etj.