UAMD is part of the STARS EU Alliance. The inter-institutional collaboration of the Alliance
started back in November 2019, when HUAS initiated the establishment of the European
University Alliance.
We envision universities as regional development accelerators, which create new knowledge that
society, industries, and sectors need to innovate. They educate citizens and empower students
and lifelong learners to fully contribute to the social, economic, and cultural betterment of
society. They have the theoretical insights that underpin and challenge daily routines.
We believe that the European University modus operandi is particularly well-suited to serve our
goal, as it allows partners to collaborate on common tasks, under one identity, whilst maintaining
their freedom to act and interact with others. In our vision, universities will join forces, and
competencies, utilize synergies and complementarities, and will team up with regional actors,
collaborating in the cooperation structures (co-creation environments) – real and virtual – where
all can meet, spar, discover and create.
Contact Information
For further information, you can visit us in Room Nr. 320, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, Rectorate Building, Street Nr. 1, Currila, Durrës, Albania.
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