Department of Public Administration is one of the earliest at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës, being one of the founding departments. Over the years, it has experienced a qualitative and quantitative development, both in the increase in the number of students and in the diversification of study programs. Currently, this department administers two double degrees:
The department has a interdisciplinary character and administers programs in three levels of study:
Bachelor's degree:
The structure of studies includes disciplines from law, political sciences and economics, closely linked to the public sector. The academic staff consists of experts in these three main fields.
Public Administration focuses on the study and management of governance, assisting in the effective administration of various public sectors and the creation of policies for balanced economic and social development.
Nowadays, the management of a state does not only include the public sector, but has a close connection with the private sector and civic groups. Public Administration helps in the development of administrative organizations that can cope with the challenges and rapid social changes, by preparing professionals capable of decision-making and strategic management.
This program aims to train individuals with vision, deep judgment, flexibility and ability to build professional networks, preparing them for the contemporary challenges of public administration and the economic development sector.
Prof. Kraja was born in Shkodër on 17/08/1979, studied Economics and specialized in Public Sector Economics and Public Policies. With several years of experience in the banking sector with several years of experience in the Bank of Albania. Engaged in teaching since the academic year 2004 - 2005 and onwards without interruption. Currently Head of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences at Aleksandër Moisiu University, Durrës, a position she has held since 2009 and onwards. Prof. Kraja earned the Scientific Degree "Doctor of Science" in 2013 and currently holds the title of Associate Professor. Prof. Kraja has a good experience in teaching in the field of Public Policies, Management of Public Organizations, Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Project Management in the Public Sector, etc. Prof. Kraja has a substantial contribution to the two double degrees that the Department of Public Administration has with the University of Cote D'Azur, Nice, France and with the Sapienza University of Rome, within the framework of these double degrees, two internationalization projects have been won where Prof. Kraja has the coordination position.
She is the author of a number of scientific publications in international and national journals, as well as a participant in several national and international conferences. Her scientific research work is focused on issues of Public Policy and Services, Human Resources and the Public Sector. She has participated in several scientific boards of both international scientific conferences and international scientific journals.
Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration of the "Aleksandër Mosiu" University of Durrës, holds the title of Professor Doctor in the field of communication since 2007. He is a part-time lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication, University of Tirana. Since 1990, she has been a journalist for the French News Agency in Albania (AFP), based in Paris. She is a member of the board of directors of the International Coalition Against Human Trafficking, based in New York. Author of several ethical codes in the field of media and communication. Author and co-author of many studies on literature, history and geopolitical developments in Albania and the Balkans.
He has been honored with several international awards and holds the titles of "Knight of the Order of Merit" and "Knight of the Legion of Honor", two high titles awarded by French Presidents J. Chirac in May 2001 and F. Hollande in January 2014.
Graduated from the University of Tirana full-time in History, Law and Political Science. He has completed postgraduate studies, a Master's degree in Historical Studies and a Master's degree in Political Science. She has published the book “Famous Albanians in the Millennium” which talks about world-famous Albanians who have founded and led famous dynasties and states throughout human history. She is also the author of the books “Administration of Albania by Austria-Hungary 1916-1918”, “Albania the Key to Indo-European Languages”, “The Trojan War, the Pelasgian-Illyrian War”.
Dr. Albana Demi (Mosho) is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës. He graduated. at the Agricultural University of Tirana in Bachelor's studies in the Economist branch, Master of Science in Agricultural Economics and in 2011 Doctorate in the field of Economics and Agribusiness. Holds the international title "Accountant and Auditor in the Public Sector" licensed in October 2006 by CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) London.
He has extensive experience at the Albanian Tax Administration, where in collaboration with international experts from the USAID Project, the PricewaterhouseCoopers, The IPA Project has participated in the design of the website, the online tax declaration and payment system, the creation of the Training Center, as well as the drafting of the Code of Ethics. Since 2010, he has been a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana. From 2014-2017, he held the position of full-time Lecturer and Director of the Center for Innovation, Scientific Research and Development “CIRD” at the Faculty of Economics at the University College “Canadian Institute of Technology”, Tirana. She is the author and co-author of several publications in scientific journals and national, regional and international conferences as well as congresses with expertise. in the field of fiscal policies, the banking sector, Private Pensions in Albania, auditing, etc..
Dr. Arian Dedej He has been a lecturer at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës since 2010. He graduated from the University of Perugia, “Faculty of Political Sciences”. He has defended his Master's degree of level II, as well as a qualification course in Humanitarian Law. He is considered a Qualified Advisor in International Humanitarian Law.
During his professional career, he worked at the Library of Historical and Political Studies, at the Department of International Relations. Ariani holds a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology. He has participated in national and international conferences and has published articles in scientific journals at home and abroad. His scientific research interests are in Civil Society developments, European Integration and political developments at home and abroad.
Dr. Natasha Hoda is a lecturer at FSHPJ, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. She holds a Diploma from the Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics (Bachelor in Economics), from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics in collaboration with the University of Nebraska, Master of Science Degree in Public Administration and the Agricultural University of Tirana, Doctorate in Management. She holds a 2-year qualification certificate for Bank Finance, at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics, as well as a certificate for postgraduate studies (6 months) at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics. She also holds several training certificates in various countries in Europe as well as two one-month training certificates in the USA at Illinois State University.
Previously, she held the position of Finance and Administration Manager at the Mountainous Areas Development Agency for 10 consecutive years. Dr. Natasha Hoda is the author and co-author of more than 18 publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences. Her publications include: Factors that influence the increase in the quality of accounting information systems (2016), Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism as an Opportunity for the Development of Rural Areas, (2015), The Accounting Profession and Stress, (2012). Economic Policies and Integration in the EU (2019) etc.
Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration of the "Aleksandër Mosiu" University of Durrës, holds the scientific degree "Doctor" in the field of economics since 2014. Part-time lecturer at the Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness. Author and co-author of studies on economic and public policy issues
Dr. Mentor Beqa is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. He graduated from the University of Tirana (Bachelor in Journalism), the University of Geneva (MAS in International Security Policy) and the European University of Tirana (PhD in Political Science with a focus on International Relations). Dr. Beqa is a researcher with over 15 years of experience in academia, government institutions, media and the non-profit sector. His main goal is to bring together scientific knowledge and social needs in developing countries like Albania. He is currently teaching courses on International Relations, Globalization, Political Theory and Research Methods. Previously, he held important state positions as Advisor and Director of the Cabinet at the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior. Dr. Beqa has extensive experience in both print and broadcast media in Albania and is also engaged in several Non-Governmental Organizations. Dr. Beqa is the author of a significant number of publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences.
Current position: Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Political Sciences and Law, Department of Public Administration, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës. Doctor Endri Balla, has completed his Bachelor of Law studies at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences, and "Master of Science" in the "Criminal Law" profile, University of Tirana and "Master of Science" in the "Public Administration" profile, "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës. In 2017, he earned the scientific degree "Doctor" in the Management profile from the Faculty of Business, "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës.
Since 2010, he has been part of the UAMD staff, and from 2019 onwards, he has been engaged as part of the academic staff of this University. His commitment in the field of scientific research has been focused mainly on public administration but also in the field of higher professional education, mainly on the advantages that this model of higher education brings but also the need of the labor market in today's times for professionals in this labor market. He speaks two foreign languages: English, Italian.
Ilindena Sotirofski graduated from Gazi University, “Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences” in Ankara, Turkey in the “Public Administration” branch, accredited by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth in Albania in an integrated second-level diploma. She has completed numerous trainings inside and outside the country, mainly on project management and improving teaching in the EU. She started her academic career at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës in 2013, in the “Public Administration” department, where she is engaged as a full-time lecturer in the subjects “Public Administration”, “Public Services Management”, “Organizational Behavior”, etc.
Ilindena Sotirofski has many years of experience in the field of public relations and human resources management, where, among other things, during the period 2008 - 2013 she held positions such as "Public Relations Manager", "Head of Personnel" as well as "Social Responsibility Specialist" in the telecommunications sector.
She is the author and co-author of several publications in scientific journals in Albania and abroad, and has presented her work at numerous regional, national and international conferences. Her research interests are mainly focused on; Quality of public service delivery, Human Resource Management, Good Governance and Innovation in the Public Sector.
Her publications include, among others, “Bureaucracy and Democracy: The Relationship that Affects Public Administration (2020)”, “Local E-Government – Examples from Albania and the World” (2019), “Aspects of the New Public Service” (2018), “The Role and Importance of Public Relations in Local Government” (2017), “Reputation Management: Public Relations in Public Administration”, (2016), “Performance in the Public Sector and the Need for Performance Management”, (2016), “Theory of Motivation of Public Services”, (2015), “Performance Management in the Public Sector and Problems Emerging in its Implementation”, (2015), “Bureaucracy and Democracy in Albania, A Study on the Satisfaction of Public Services and Trust in Governance (2014), etc.
Dr. Blerina Sadiku is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. She holds a degree from New York University, Tirana, in collaboration with SUNY Empire State College, New York (Bachelor in International Relations/Political Science), from New York University, Tirana, in collaboration with the Institute Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Switzerland (Master in Business Administration- Banking) and the European University of Tirana (Doctorate in Legal Sciences- International Law).
Previously, she held the position of part-time lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. Dr. Sadiku is the author of a book published in 2011, entitled “The Origin of the Cham Issue 1820-1943” and more than 8 (eight) publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences. Her publications include, among others: Cham Issue during Peace Conference in Paris 1919 [The Cham Issue during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference] (Doi:10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n4p676) (2016), The Cham Issue and the Sudetenland Issue: A Comparative Political-Legal Perspective after 1990. (Proceedings ISBN 978-9928-190-98-7) (2016), The Fundamental Rights of the Albanian Population of Chameria in Front of Greek Municipal Law and International Law 1913-1926 [The Fundamental Rights of the Albanian Population of Chameria in the Face of Greek Internal Law and International Law 1913-1926] (Proceedings ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-6363-6) (2013).
Majlinda Velçani is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës. She holds a degree from the University of Tirana (DIND in Law).
Majlinda Velçani is the author and co-author of more than 17 publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences.
Publications include: "Public Administration and Ethical Principles" (2020), "Good Governance in the Context of European Integration: Albania in a Comparative Perspective with EU Members and Candidate Countries" (2019), "Public Policy, Social Welfare and Decentralization of Local Government" (2019),’Good governance at the local level''(2019), Labor market and higher education in Albania''(2018),''The principle of good administration based on EU legislation''(2018),''Principles and standards of good governance''(2018),Globalization and social policies, its effects (2017), The role and importance of public relations in local government: societal oversight (2017), Implementing the principle of “impartial court” to prevent corruption (2017) The importance of science at all levels of education: means, ways, methods and problems (2016) Constitutional amendments, forms and importance (2016).
Ikbale Tepelena is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. She holds a degree from the University of Tirana (Second Level Integrated Diploma in Law).
She previously held the position of lawyer in the Internal Audit Sector at the Durrës District Council, at the Durrës Local Real Estate Registration Office, etc.. Ikbale Tepelena is the author and co-author of dozens of publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences.
Her publications include, among others: “Conditions of admissibility of complaints within the framework of the European Court of Human Rights”, “For more efficiency in the fair administration of the judicial process”; “Access to court, a principle of civil procedural law”; “The principle of equality of arms in civil proceedings and its effects on the quality of the trial in Albania”; “Tourism, the future of economy in Albania”, “Globalization and social policies, their effects”; “Application of the principle “Impartial Tribunal” to prevent corruption” etc.
PhD C. Arjana Kadiu is a Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration at the Faculty of Public Administration. She started working as a Pedagogue in 2013. The main subjects she is involved with are Decision Making in Public Administration, Administrative Science in the Bachelor's Program and Marketing of Public Goods in the Master's Program.
In 2003, he completed his higher studies in German Language, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, UT. In 2010, he graduated with a Master's degree in Public Administration at the Faculty of Economics, UT.
In 2020, he graduated with a Master of Science in Marketing from Webster University, USA. He is currently pursuing his PhD studies with a main focus on Albanian Tourism Marketing.
During these years he has been engaged in international conferences on topics related to the field of Tourism Marketing. Some of the main publications of recent years are:
2019 – Scientific Conference Proceedings, “Modern Economy Smart Development”,2019, “Where we want to be?”. A. Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron, Hungary, Int. Scientific Conference, “Modern Economy Smart Development”, 7. November 2019.
2020 – Scientific Conference Proceedings, “Crisis and Recovery: Innovative Solutions”, “Pandemic 2020 Marketing Strategies for Albanian Tourism”. A. Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron, Hungary, Int. Scientific Conference, Int. Scientific Conference, ” Crisis and Recovery: Innovative Solutions”, 5 November 2020
2021 – In process; International conference Economy & Business, which will be held on 22-25 August 2021 in Burgas, Bulgaria. Publication Article: Buiding up Tourism resilience after Covid -19 ( the case of Abania)