Program Description
The Master of Science in Business Economics is one of the most attractive graduate programs as it offers a unique opportunity to study important economic issues. It is an advanced undergraduate program, with a contemporary curriculum to help students prepare them for the job market. During the Master's studies, students will research and analyze economic issues through data analysis with econometric and statistical models.
During the two-year program, students will work with theories and methods related to subjects such as: development economics, managerial economics, economics of social issues, international economics, labor market economics, advanced microeconomics and macroeconomics, economic policies and market regulation, etc. Teaching methods vary depending on the subject and learning activity. Students are always actively invited to participate in discussions and contribute to the learning experience in the classroom. The Master of Science in Business Economics is designed in such a way as to enable students to analyze and recommend solutions to economic phenomena and processes.
The Master of Science in Business Economics program is aimed at recent bachelor's degree graduates who have started their careers or are awaiting the start of work, employees with an economics profile or other fields, who express willingness and interest in this program with the aim of advancing their careers. Its focus is on students who have successfully completed their bachelor's degree in this program, but the program is structured in such a way as to integrate students from other fields of economics or students from other profiles.
Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "Business Economics" students
Why should you study in this program?
The main objective of the Master's program in Economics is to disseminate knowledge, develop students' theoretical and analytical skills, and provide future experts with the competences and skills required by contemporary economic development and the market economy. Furthermore, this program aims to prepare students to:
Where can you get a job after completing your studies?
The Master of Science in Business Economics study program aims to train researchers and specialists with a scientific profile in Economics, as a continuation of Bachelor studies. The aim of this cycle of studies is to prepare students for the labor market in sectors such as:
In governmental or non-governmental organizations that deal with projects in the field of Economics.