Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan GÖÇMEZ and Dr. Hasan Yiğit, representatives of the “Kütahya Dumlupınar” University, Turkey, were welcomed by the Rector of UAMD, Ms. Kseanela Sotirofski.

Zv/Rektori Prof. Dr. Hasan GÖÇMEZ  dhe Dr. Hasan Yiğit përfaqësues të Universitetit “Kütahya Dumlupınar” Turqi Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan GÖÇMEZ and Dr. Hasan Yiğit, representatives of the “Kütahya Dumlupınar” University, Turkey, were welcomed by the Rector of UAMD, Ms. Kseanela Sotirofski.

The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen and strengthen relations between the two universities, through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and discussions on cooperation under the Erasmus+ program.