On December 4-8, 202ë Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, a visit was held by representatives of the Department of Political Science, FSHPJ, Assoc. Prof. Dorina Bërdufi and Dr. Elda Zotaj and students Paolina Hajdarasi, Laurenc Qoku, Ersa Sellaj, Erisa Luku, Roberto Sina and Alesio Disha.
Students under the supervision of lecturers participated in academic activities whichëorganized from the receiving institutionës.
Ië kuadër tëprojektit të bashkëpunimit me studentët e universitetit partner studentët e UAMD prezantuan gjetjet e anketimit me temë “Të rinjtë dhe Përfaqësimi i tyre nëPolitikë”As partë of the activities was also the lecture Dr. Elda Zotaj on the topic "Albania's Communication Strategies for EU Integration" and lectureof the professorë Saxion Dr. Max van Tongeren me fokus nëproceset aktuale demokratike.”