At the Faculty of Political Science and Law, at Aleksandër Moisiu University, tri new study programs in the academic year 2023-2024, as double degrees with universities presitigjioze italiane si:
Bachelor in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Genoa;
Master of Science in European and Comparative Law from the Sapienza University of Rome,
Doctorate in Public Law, with the Tor Vergata University of Rome
At a launch ceremony for these dual degree programs, the laboratory was also inaugurated. EULAB, built with funding from the Albanian Government, as part of the Higher Education Internationalization Project.
The Ministry of Education participated in the organized ceremony. Ogerta Manastirliu which emphasized that internationalization means that we will move closer to the highest standards that we want and deserve to have, but above all that our young people deserve. We want to build Europe here, and these programs create another standard and open other paths that we must follow to reach the European dimension of higher education.
Rector Prof. Dr. Kseanela Sotirofski emphasized that thanks to the support and funding from the Albanian Government, we are moving in this direction safely. She noted that Aleksandër Moisu University counts today 7 diploma common in all three study cycles, thanks to government funding. Also – she emphasized – UAMD also counts 21 projektecapacity building, of which 3 as coordinator, 4 Interreg Europe projects, 1 Jean Monnet and more than 85 marrëveshje with European universities for academic and student exchange, funded by the EU. UAMD is today a partner with 8 European universities of the Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition STARS EU, which he is proud of.
Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Law, Prof. Ass. Dr. Andon Kume emphasized: "The internationalization of the academic offer comes as a priority of awareness of the global dimension that university education has taken today. The ever-increasing demand for this education is reflected in the compelling migratory forces. This situation places higher education in the face of challenges but also new opportunities that will increase previously unimagined capacities for staff and students.
The Faculty of Political Science and Law offers an internationalized academic offer in all three study cycles: Doctorate, Master and Bachelor in five degree study programs doubles opened in the last two academic years".
The inauguration ceremony was attended by representatives of the Italian Embassy in Albania as well as delegations from three Italian partner universities: Prof. Filippo Reganati and prof. Marco Cilenti and Sapienza University, Prof. Maurizia de Bellis nga Universiteti Tor Vergata dhe prof. Prof. Renzo Repetti and Prof. Agostino Massa from the University of Genoa.
Double degree study programs allow students to obtain a degree from a partner university without having to leave the country, but only by completing a semester at the European partner university.