Dear students of "Aleksandër Moisiu" University,
We are happy to announce the launch of a unique multidisciplinary course titled: “BE dhe Shqipëria:
Understanding Democracy, Communication and Integration”.

We invite you to become part of an experience that will deepen your knowledge of the European Union with contemporary-interactive methods, as well as enrich your CV with a course certified by a European Union project.

This course is offered within the framework of the project implementation “Jean Monnet” Funded by the European Union (2023-2026) ERASMUS-JMO-2023.

Course details:

Duration: 15 weeks
Format: Lectures, group discussions, case studies, presentations
Typology: Elective course, 5 ECTS
Study program: All programs
Location: University Campus, Faculty of Political Sciences and Law
Certification: Certificate of participation from a European Union project

 Why participate?
Participation in this course offers numerous benefits and opportunities:

 Inclusiveness: Gaining a deep understanding of the dynamics of democracy, communication and integration in the context of Albania's relations with the European Union.

 Interdisciplinary approach: Exploring the multifaceted aspects of EU-Albania relations by integrating perspectives from different disciplines.

Interactive learning: Engaging in lectures, discussions, and interactive activities led by experienced faculty and practitioners in the field.

Networking opportunities: Getting to know and sharing experiences with young people who have similar interests and aspirations, encouraging potential collaborations.

Extended capabilities: Developing critical, analytical and communication thinking skills, which are necessary to analyze complex geopolitical landscapes and contribute to informed decision-making.

 Knowledge gained:
By taking part in this course, you will:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the historical, political and cultural dimensions that shape EU-Albania relations.
  •  Explore the role of communication in shaping public perception, policymaking, and EU integration processes.
  • Analyze the main challenges and opportunities for Albania's democratic development and European integration aspirations.
  • Engaging in discussions on current issues, trends and developments affecting EU-Albania relations.
  • Develop a detailed understanding of the implications of EU membership and integration for Albania's society, economy, and government.


  •  Admission criteria
    The course is open to Bachelor's and Master's level students of all academic programs.
    Register at the link below, until date 23.02.2024

Attention:Places are limited! Hurry!

If you have any questions, write to us at the address
Welcome to the course “EU and Albania: Understanding Democracy, Communication and Integration”!

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