In support of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the Code of Administrative Procedures, implementation of Article 38, point d, of Law no. 80, dated 22.07.2015 "On Higher Education and Research" Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania”, of the Council of Ministers No. 685, dated 25.08.2010 "On the functioning of collegial bodies of state administration and public entities", The University Statute, the University Regulation, the Council of Ministers' Decision No. 75, dated 12.02.2018 "On "approval of the financing model for public institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Research", Udhëzimit të Përbashkët nr. 20, datë 20.09.2019 të MASR dhe MFE “Për skemën dhe zbatimin e the financing model of public institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Research”, Decision No. 17, dated 29.03.2021 "On the approval of the Regulation on the management of research activities scientific projects developed at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës, the Strategy of Ndërkombëtarizimit 2022-2024 "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës announces the call for scientific research projects and internationalization projects, for 2023, for interested full-time academic staff to apply in the following priority areas: