Within the magnet project, the MOOC course is developed – a new method that encourages active and interactive learning.

📅 **5 March 2025** – With fourth year students in the Law program, an interactive course on skills delivery and operation of online teaching platforms was conducted. 🌐📚

🧑🏫 Under the leadership of PhD Olta Qejvani, substantial knowledge was provided to young professionals regarding the role of online platforms and the operation of **MOOC** (Massive Open Online Courses). We also discussed incorporating hybrid teaching methods into the auditoriums of Albanian universities. 🖥️📖

🎓 Students were engaged in this interactive course, with the theme of 'Europeanization of higher education institutions in Albania' through legislative integration. 🇪🇺📑 💬 Ata theksuan se metodat e tilla teknologjike janë një mundësi e shkëlqyer për inovacion dhe për të ofruar një mundësi më të gjerë për akses në mësim. 🚀👨💻👩💻

🌍 This activity was conducted within the project "MAGNET", where the lecturer successfully applied the "MOOC" course – a new method that encourages active and interactive learning. 🤝💡

#MOOC #MAGNET #Workshop #UAMD #FSHPJ #ArsimCilësor #Inovacion #MësimOnline

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