Training Module

Location: "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Hospital Campus, Faculty of Education,

Continuing Education Center, Room 101

Datë: 19 & 20 Prill 2023
Grupi i synuar: Stafi Akademik UAMD

General Information
Within the framework of the EntrAl CBHE Erasmus+ project, this module aims to raise awareness
for the entrepreneurship of university academic staff in Albanian HEIs.
The main objective of this module is to provide academic staff of Albanian universities with
transferable skills and bring an entrepreneurial mindset to the university by encouraging
entrepreneurial teaching methods, educating the entrepreneurial behavior of academic staff and
supporting the creation of new ventures.
This module is based on the materials and experience gained at the Innovation Camp.
organized at the University of Turku, Finland, and the Dublin University of Technology,
Ireland (both activities organized within the framework of the EntrAl project). This Training Program is
an innovative 18-hour journey for academic staff of Albanian universities, in order to
gain transferable skills and introduce Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation
gain transferable skills and introduce Entrepreneurship and New Business Creation
During the 18-hour Training Program organized in Albanian universities, participants
generate and develop multidisciplinary business ideas. They gain practical experience on the elements of
most important steps of the startup process, how to successfully develop a business idea and how to sell

Participants will find new and creative solutions in groups for innovation activities that
are based on a new start-up scenario in a short period of time. The process is supported by
lectures and is mentored by trainers.

Requirements for participants at the time of registration:
Training participants will be asked to plan possible access to a
business mentor/entrepreneur, whom they can contact during the 18-hour activity to
receive feedback on their business proposal. During group work, teams will
decide on the best/most reliable alternative for consultation.
Specific training objectives
During this Training Program, participants will achieve specific objectives as follows:
 Gaining new knowledge and transferable skills for transforming ideas
innovative in new products and services;
 Increasing understanding of the entrepreneurial process (e.g., creating and recognizing
 Improving problem-solving and teamwork skills under
time pressure;
 Increasing presentation skills;
 Increasing transferability/applicability skills in teaching

Number of days: 2 (two)
This Training Program is an intensive 18-hour program for entrepreneurship development.
new (9 hours in class and 9 hours of independent group work), planned to be held in two sessions
(training day). The training activities are designed in such a way as to mimic the process of
entrepreneurship in real life, where each participant can identify opportunities, evaluate
different ways to proceed and create a business to operate.
Link to register:

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