Applications are open for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility student exchange scholarships for internships at the Polytechnic Institute of Santarem, Portugal.
"Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës, within the framework of Erasmus+ KA1 program, offers studentsëve bursë të plotë to conduct a two-month internship in the period September-October 2023 at the Polytechnic Institute of Santarem, Portugal. (
Mobility levels fër studentët:
· Bachelor.
The number of quotas, faculties and fields are as follows:
· 2 (two) students Faculty of Business.
Application deadline: June 04, 2023.
Depending on the number and quality of applications, the winners will be announced in collaboration with the host University.
Documentation required to apply for a scholarshië në IP Santarem, Portugali:
Ctudent certificate(translatedinto English);
Certificate of grades (of(translatedinto English);
– Copy of passport;
– Letër motivimi nin the English language;
– CV ain the English language;
– Passport photo,, in the format jpeg,sent electronically.
Criteria for application:
– Njohuri shumë të mira të gjuhës angleze, niveli B2;
– Academië tc performance.
Monthly scholarship of the exchange bneficiary: 850 Euro/month, 360 Euro transportation expenses.