Tourism Department

Description of the Department of Tourism

The Department of Tourism is part of the Faculty of Business at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës, a public higher education institution established by the Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania No. 801, dated 20.12.2005, "For the establishment of 'Aleksandër Moisiu' University in Durrës." For the first time, the Department of Tourism welcomed students in the 2009-2010 academic year, opening its doors to approximately one hundred and twenty students from all over the country.

The department aims to prepare specialists capable of successfully managing tourism enterprises and equipping students with advanced skills in organizing and planning tourist trips. It also focuses on developing competencies for managing tourist groups and professionally interpreting tourism offers, addressing the needs of both the national and international markets.

The educational programs offered by the Department of Tourism are divided according to study cycles and include a wide range of topics that support students in developing a successful career in the dynamic tourism sector.

Study Programs

Tourist Guide

2-Year Professional Studies


Bachelor's degree

Tourism Management with a Hotel and Restaurant Management Profile

Bachelor's degree

Management of Tourism Enterprises

Professional Master

Albanian Tourist Guide

Professional Master

The academic staff of this unit continuously aims to apply the most contemporary methods in the development of the teaching process, offering transparent procedures in knowledge assessment and conducting the recruitment process of academic staff with objectivity. Additionally, it supports student advising and shares positive experiences in the field of scientific research, with the goal of providing an academic experience comparable to that of similar institutions in the region and Europe.

The philosophy of the Department's work is based on the principle of "The student at the center of attention." This means that every process, service, activity, and tool is created and developed to serve the student. This philosophy is achieved thanks to an experienced and expert staff, gained through studies and work both domestically and internationally. The department's educators and researchers work with dedication and high responsibility to ensure quality and effectiveness in the development of academic activities.

The work culture in the Department is based on inclusive discussions and debates that contribute to the improvement of curricula and addressing issues raised by students. Additionally, the Department collaborates closely with field experts, inviting them to share their professional experiences through open lectures and joint scientific activities. Furthermore, it promotes and supports the organization of social and cultural activities, further enriching the academic experience of students.


Department ManagerDr. Mirela Tase

Mirela Tase is a full-time lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, Aleksandër Moisiu University, Durrës. She completed her Bachelor's degree during the period 1996-2009 in the Geography profile, as a first specialty and History as a second specialty at the Faculty of History-Philology at the University of Tirana with an average grade of 9.6. In the period 2006-2009 she completed her Master's degree in the Geography profile at the University of Tirana. In 2014 she received the Doctor of Science degree in Geography at the University of Tirana with a very good grade. She is currently awaiting the title of Prof. Asocc. Dr.

Dr. Mirela Tase is the author and co-author of over 20 scientific publications at home and abroad, as well as part of the editorial boards of many scientific journals abroad. She is the co-author of three university books and a lecture series.

  1. Co-author of the university textbook `Rajonizimi ekonomik` published by Luis Print Publishing House October 2019 with ISBN
  2. Co-author of university textbook Trashegimia natyrore dhe kulturore e Shqipërisë published by Julvin publishing house 2012
  3. Co-author of university textbook Gjeografia e ciklit të ulët published by Julvin publishing house 2011
  4. University lecture series “Ekoturizmi dhe menaxhimi i tij” (2019).

Dr. Mirela Tase has contributed to the field of Tourism with her experience by lecturing in countries such as Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Spain. She is also a participant in many trainings, seminars and workshops held in Western and Central European countries regarding issues such as tourism, education, etc.

Successfully completed the training Training Certified Interpretative Guide from 19-23 September 2020 in Tirana, Albania, organized by Interpret Europe and IETT

LecturerDr. Arlind Kasa

Emri: Arlind

Mbiemri: Kasa

Ditëlindja: 07/09/1985


Dr. Arlind Kasa is a Full-Time Lecturer in the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Business at the Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës (UAMD) since October 2015 until today.

He completed his bachelor's degree studies at the University of Tirana (State) at the Faculty of History-Philology in the period October 2005- July 2008 for History-Archaeology. In the period October 2008-2010 Arlind Kasa completed his Master's degree studies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage at the State University of Tirana, at the Faculty of History-Philology, with a Gold Medal. In 2017, he completed the Doctoral School, to obtain the degree "Doctor of Science in Archaeology", at the University of Tirana at the Faculty of History-Philology IN THE FIELD OF Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. During the period October 2012-July 2015, he was employed as a Part-Time Lecturer at the Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës, at the Faculty of Business at the Department of Tourism. Starting from October 2015 until today, he has been employed as a Full-Time lecturer at the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Business at Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës.

Dr. Arlind Kasa has presented his works at several international scientific conferences. He has also published various scientific materials in prestigious international and national scientific journals. He has participated in various projects developed in Albania such as: Lezhë, Saranda and Durrës in the position of a specialist in the relevant field. Throughout the period that I have been part of the academic staff of UAMD, I have tried to be professional in the exercise of my competencies and in my work. In each course that I have taught, I have prepared a relevant lecture series in a professional and scientific manner based on numerous literature written by Albanian and foreign scholars. The lectures are complete, professional and contemporary, written by lecturer Arlind Kasa. The lectures are a combination of providing the relevant information for each subject to the student; developing their logic and judgment on the topics, issues and problems of each subject; forming a professional student, etc. To achieve these goals, the prepared lectures used writing and illustrations (photos, figures, plans, reconstructions) taken from Albanian and foreign literature. I have also contributed to the development of curricula at the master's and bachelor's levels at UAMD.

In addition to his work at UAMD, Dr. Arlind Kasa has participated in various archaeological projects in Albania from 2007 to the present. These archaeological projects have aimed at actual archaeological excavations and rescue archaeological excavations in various Albanian sites such as Durrës, Butrint, Lezha, Apollonia, etc. The project leaders have been Albanian archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology and archaeologists from European Union countries such as the University of Berlin, Parma, etc.



LecturerDr. Violeta Aliaj

Currently a lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.

She was born in Tirana, on 11.07.1970. In 1992 she graduated from the Department of Geography, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana and in 2021 she received the scientific degree "Doctor" in the field of Human Geography from the same university. In 1994 she graduated as a lawyer from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana.

From 1994 to 1998 she worked as a lawyer in the Legal Directorate, at the Ministry of Construction and Tourism. From 1998 – 2002 Head of the Legal Sector at the General Directorate of Water Supply and Sewerage, subordinate to the Ministry of Public Works. From 2002 onwards Project Coordinator at the Center for the Development and Democratization of Institutions. From 2008-2013 Administrator of the Travel Agency “INFOTRAVEL” sh.p.k. From 2016 onwards lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës.

Dr. Aliaj, since 2016, has been lecturing as the head of the courses Economic Regionalization, Urban Development and Creativity and Albanian Tourist Guide in the first cycle of studies Hotel-Restaurant Tourism Management, Archaeological Tourism Management, Cultural Tourism Management, while for the last three years she has been lecturing as the head of the courses Organization and Planning of Tourist Events in the second cycle of studies Professional Master "Tourism Enterprise Management".

She demonstrates competences in the field of scientific research by leading as coordinator (2018-2022) the CB Project “HISTEK” Interreg IPA Italy – Albania – Montenegro where the Faculty of Business, Aleksandër Moisiu University, Durrës was a partner. Project Manager of the project “Albanian Transhumance” (2015-2016), funded by RISI Albania, and implemented by QZHDI. Consultant at the National Tourism Agency (2017-2020) in the Project “Viaggio a Modo Tuo: Gestione Multi-attore Integrata del Turismo Rurale e Culturale nelle Regioni di Agirocastro e Berat (TREC). Invited participant in several meetings organized by the World Tourism Organization-WTO (Thessaloniki 2018, Istanbul 2019) Consultant at the National Tourism Agency, 2021 with 2 projects in the field of tourism: BIOTOURS and ROOTS Interreg IPA Italy - Albania - Montenegro, Expert in the field of tourism at the Municipality of Tepelena for the project "COULT2ROUTS", Interreg CB Greece-Albania, 2022-2023. Dr. Aliaj has published: 5 scientific articles domestically and abroad; 1 lecture series (co-authored). She is currently a member of COST -European Cooperation in Science & Technology, Member of the international network Interpret Europea and Member of CEDIMES. She also holds a license to practice the profession of Lawyer issued by the National Chamber of Advocates and a "Mediator" License, issued by the Ministry of Justice.



LecturerDr. Nevila Çinaj

Dr. Nevila Çinaj is a lecturer at the Department of Tourism, at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. She graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, (Bachelor in Geography), from the University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology (MSc in Regional Geography) and the University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology (PhD in Regional Geography). She previously held the position of Head of the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University.

Dr. Nevila ÇINAJ has a very long experience in the field of teaching and scientific research. In the period 1996-2008 she held the position of lecturer at the “Harry T. Fultz” Institute, where she taught the subjects “Earth Science”, “Geography of Albania” and “History of Albania”. Since 2008 she has been lecturing as the head of the courses “Geography Tourism” and “Albanian Tourism” in the first cycle of bachelor studies in Tourism Management with profile, Hotel-Restaurant Management, Archaeological Tourism Management, Cultural Tourism Management, while, in the second cycle of Professional Master studies “Albanian Tourist Guide” and “Tourist Enterprise Management” she lectures as the head of the courses “Albanian Natural Guide” and “Territorial Cultural Systems”. In addition to these courses, she has also held lectures for the subjects Economic Geography and Euro-Atlantic Economic Regionalization at the Faculty of Business. She has demonstrated her competences in the field of teaching and scientific research also at international universities within the framework of the European Union's CEPUS and Erasmus + programs.

In the period 2015-2023, in collaboration with the University of Bamberg, Department of Geography and the University of Tirana, Department of Geography, under the support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), it has organized the Go-East summer school with the theme “Migration and urban development. Processes, effects and opportunities of regional development and EU integration in Albania”. In 2019, it designs and directs the bilateral, inter-Albanian project Albania-Kosovo “Creation and Networking of Albania-Kosovo tourist packages” supported by the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of Albania. She contributes as an external expert in the engagement of the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, for external evaluation in the framework of the accreditation of study programs applied in Albanian universities, for the evaluation of textbooks in the Albanian pre-university system, external expert from the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, the National Agency for Protected Areas for consultancy services at the Prespa National Park, external expert from the Directorate of Public Administration for the evaluation of applicants for employment as a specialist in the field of tourism at the Albanian state public administration. She is currently a member of the interdisciplinary research network COST Action European Cooperation in Science & Technology nw CA18205 and CA21125, European Union.

She is the author and co-author of several textbooks, such as the university textbook “Lower Cycle Geography” and the pre-university cycle textbooks “Geography 6”, the 9-year cycle, Earth Science 10, scientific editor. of the book “Geography 10” and more than 26 publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences. Her publications include, among others, “Fier By-pass and its role in the socio-economic development of the Fier district” (2012, Rome), “Trends of demographic transformation in the Fier district in the period 1990-2011” (2015, Brussels), “Regression or progress of Albanian tourism?” (2015, Greece). Cinaj. N & co-author, 2020, “Typology of travel in Prishtina in relation to purpose, time and distance”, April 2020 Quaestiones Geographicae 39(Issue 1):79-91 DOI: 106-200-2002, DOI: 106-200-202, DOI-200-102-CC. NC-ND, Sciendo,; The applicability of anti-COVID-19 measures and their impact on perceptions of safety and the image of the tourism structure Case Study: Albania, December 2022, GjeoRevista e Turizmit dhe Géoziteteve,

LecturerDr. Dorina Xheraj - Subashi

Dr. Dorina Xheraj – Subashi, studied her bachelor's degree at the University of Bologna (2001-2005) and continued her professional development in the Master of Science in Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Tirana (October 13, 2008-September 2010). She completed her doctoral studies in 2016. As a dedicated person, she has always been multifaceted, coordinating, working and exhibiting in the international field in museum studies and the heritage sphere.

She has been working at Aleksandër Moisiu University since 2011, engaging in various roles, teaching, research, project management, international conference organizer, cultural event organizer, group leader in programs within the Department of Tourism or in various groups for program accreditation. On the other hand, her rich activity continues in other international engagements.

June 2023 Co-Chair of the National Committee Working Group NCWG/ICOM

Honorary member of ENCATC

September 2022 Member of ICTOP/ICOM

November 2017, Member/National Coordinator of Heritage Interpreters Europe (IE)

September 2017 working group member Teaching and Collection Working Group, aprovuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e UMAC, Helsinki, Finland.

2016 member of (Balkan Museum Network)

Member of UMAC 2016 (University Museums and Collections)

January 2013 member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) ICOM Albania)

Her work since March 2016, has been related to teaching museology at the university, where her special interest is the topics related to museums and community engagement, visitor studies and heritage interpretation. Her contributions extend to research in the Western Balkan countries, as well as bringing innovation towards new approaches to learning through collections and how to interpret cultural heritage objects to create experiences in cultural tourism. Her teaching topics are Museology and Exhibition Techniques, Art from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Albanian Cultural Heritage bringing to attention various contemporary issues also in the European context.

Dorina has been the recipient of several scholarships that have shaped the deepening of her professional knowledge and is part of international research groups when she has made her contribution as a researcher.

  • Grant from the Society Scholar Award (“CSSA”), on 29.06.2018, for the research project on Museum Issues, (Mapping of teaching aids in museums of universities/cities of Athens and Kosovo
  • Manager and coordinator on behalf of the MuZEH Center within the project "When the past meets the future - Revival of Durrës Heritage" funded by EU4Culture and UNOPS, 2022.
  • Project leader "Assessment of tourism and tourist areas in the cities of Berat, Përmet, Kolonjë in innovation towards experience tourism" provided by research funds at UAMD, 2022.

She also actively participates in international conferences and is an honorary/board member of several museum, heritage and cultural networks in Europe and Albania.


LecturerPhD Brunilda Liçaj

PhD Brunilda Liçaj for 15 years she has been a lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, "A. Moisiu" University of Durrës.

With 25 years of experience in the tourism sector (both in the public and private sectors), she has been part of the Tourism Sector Advisory Committee at the Ministry of Economy and the Standardization Commission for Albanian Tourist Guides (2016-2018) at this institution and Advisor for Tourism in the cabinet of the Municipality of Durrës (2021-2022).

She has a long experience in developing tourism sector initiatives and tourism strategy recommendations, developing employment opportunities and small and medium-sized enterprise development projects in the tourism sector, evaluating investment proposals for tourism development, supporting business initiatives in tourism and accommodation services as an advisor, mentor or trainer for start-ups. Expert in several projects funded by various donors and funding organizations (including EU programs, EBRD, GIZ, Swiss Contact and other national and international agencies).

She is also a co-founder of Albergo Diffuso Balcan, a community-based approach to building horizontal hotels in brownfield sites.

Brunilda is the author of over 25 articles and research published in national and international journals, and has given several presentations at international and national conferences and forums, or been a key speaker in various projects in the region.

Currently, he lectures at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës, Faculty of Business in the Bachelor and Master programs for the following subjects: Strategji Turizmi;Drejtim Hoteli, Ekonomia E Destinacioneve Turistike; Manaxhim Eventesh; Komunikim dhe Marketing Turizmi (Master),Menaxhim Destinacionesh Turistike (Master) ; Mikpritje dhe Manaxhim Hotelier (Master).

Her research areas include marketing, hospitality, tourist destinations, maritime tourism, start-ups and entrepreneurship. Brunilda has a good knowledge of Italian and English, as well as a good level of communication in French.

Email: /

LecturerDr. Majlinda Muka

Dr. Majlinda Muka is a lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business at “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. She completed her university studies at the University of Tirana, Faculty of History-Philology, Department of Geography, where she graduated in 1995. During the years 2004-2007 she earned Second Level Diplomas, MA in the field of Environmental Geography after graduating from the Postgraduate School, and in March 2015 she earned the degree of “Doctor of Science” at the University of Tirana.

Previously, she held the position of expert in education for curricula and training at the Regional Educational Directorate of Durres. From 2007 to 2012, she held the position of external lecturer at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durres, where she lectured the courses of “Climatology” (2007-2009) and “Geography of Transport Systems” (2007-2012) at the Faculty of Professional Studies; the course of “Geography of Albania” (2009-2010) at the Faculty of Education, Teaching Branch. Since 2012, she has been employed at the Faculty of Business, Department of Tourism at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durres. During her professional career, she has attended specializations and trainings both domestically and internationally in the field of pedagogy and teaching, as well as in the specialty where she holds certificates, such as: "Trainer in Education", "National Geographic Trainer", "Travel and Tourism", "Trend and Issue in Tourism", etc.

She has participated and led as a local coordinator in tourism, educational and civil projects, and is a member of the organizing board of four international academic events organized by FB in partnership with higher education institutions in the countries of the region. She is a member of several professional associations. She currently holds the position of head of the basic unit of the Department of Tourism. She has communication skills and mastery of English and Italian. Her field of scientific research interest is directed towards regional developments, the development of sustainable tourism and the management of tourist destinations, where she also has a series of poster presentations and references in national and international scientific conferences, as well as publications of articles in international academic journals in the field. Dr. Majlinda Muka is co-author of the university text "Economic Regionalization", author of the lecture series: "Geography of Transport" developed in the branch of Maritime and Land Transport Management, Higher Professional School, as well as the lecture series: "Cultural Travel Destinations", "Sustainable Tourism" developed in the bachelor's cycle in the study program Tourism Management according to profiles, of the lecture series "Tourism Industry and its Organization" and "Technique and Planning of Tourist Guides" developed in the second cycle of the Professional Master's studies "Tourism Enterprise Management" and "Albanian Tourist Guide", study programs at the Faculty of Business and has more than 26 publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences.


LecturerDoc.Dr. Gentian Ruspi.

Doc.Dr. Gentian Ruspi. Currently a lecturer in the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.

He was born in Fier on 11.03.1977. In 1999 he graduated from the Department of Geography, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana and in 2013 he received the scientific degree "Doctor" in the field of tourism from this same university. After his higher studies, he completed several specializations at universities in different countries such as Italy, Great Britain and Poland. From 1999 to 2020 he worked as a full-time academic staff at "Eqrem Çabej" University, Gjirokastër, an institution in which in 2010 he also received the academic title "Docent".

In addition to teaching, he is engaged in performing several managerial and administrative functions such as:

  • Member of the Academic Senate at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.
  • Member of the Quality Assurance Committee at "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.
  • Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.
  • Deputy Dean (for the teaching process) at the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, "Eqrem Çabej" University, Gjirokastër.
  • Head of the Quality Assurance and Institutional Evaluation Office at the Branch of Curricular Development, Career and Institutional Evaluation, at "Eqrem Çabej" University, Gjirokaster, etc.

During his research and scientific activity, he has published: 8 scientific articles at home and abroad; 2 monographs; 2 university texts; 26 papers at scientific conferences. He has also been a member of boards in scientific journals and conferences as well as an expert in several national and international scientific projects. Doc.Dr. Gentian Ruspi is currently the Coordinator of the 2-year professional study program "Tourist Guide" offered at the Department of Tourism. Head and/or drafter of teaching programs and lectures for the subjects: Tourism Basics; Tourist Geography of Albania; Transport and Tourism; Internship (in tourist guides) etc.


LecturerMSc. Çelnik Mujollari

MSc. Çelnik Mujollari Graduated from the Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness, Bachelor in Finance - Accounting in 2016 and Master of Science in Finance - Accounting, at the Agricultural University of Tirana and Master of Science in Finance - Accounting, period 6 months, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany. Participation in the 12th and 13th Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Business on Sovereign Credit and the Influence of Employment and its Efficiency in University Studies. Active participation in International Scientific Conferences, April 2018, Conference on “Economic Experiences in the Field of Agriculture, Livestock, Urban and Rural Tourism”. 2gether 4 Strong – Digital Agriculture”High Level Forum on e-agriculture Sofia, Bulgaria. April 2015 Conference on “New Communication Skills and New Collaborative Perspectives, Especially in the Field of Urban and Rural Tourism”. Balkans Let’s Get UP, funded by the EU Sofia, Bulgaria. December 2014, Conference on “On financing methods, methodologies used to reduce costs in general around green vegetation, in function of urban and rural tourism” Cost-benefit reports. Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany Erasmus mundus. From May 2020 to March 2021, I have been an external lecturer at the Department of Finance, Faculty of Business, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës for finance and accounting courses. November 2021 and onwards I continue as an internal lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Business, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës for finance and accounting courses. Subjects covered: Accounting Basics, Financial Accounting, Hotel Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Taxation, Investment in Tourism, Basics of Finance.

