Professional Master

“Tourism Enterprise Management”


Program Description

The Professional Master's degree program in "Tourism Enterprise Management" is offered by the Department of Tourism at the Faculty of Business. Studies in this program last 1 academic year in Albanian. The program is full-time and has 60 ECTS (credits).

Student to be admitted in the Professional Master's study program in "Tourism Enterprise Management" must be equipped with one of the following: the following diplomas:

  • First Cycle of Studies, "Bachelor" Diploma in the branches of the Faculty of Economics

(Tourism, Marketing, Banking-Finance, Political Science, Economics, etc. equivalent), of the Faculty of History-Philology, of the Faculty of Education, of Sports, and of Social Sciences.

  • First Cycle of Studies Diploma, "Bachelor" obtained abroad, recognized and equivalent to the above diplomas by the ministry responsible for education in the Republic of Albania.

Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "Tourism Enterprise Management" students

Professional Master in “Tourism Enterprise Management”  ju ofron studentëve:

  • Opportunity to deepen and develop knowledge as well as practical and professional skills in the field of tourism business management.
  • Creating premises for training as specialists in the management of tourism enterprises
  • Mundësimin e njohjes së studentëve  me llojet dhe funksionimin e sipërmarrjeve turistike, menaxhimin dhe marketimin e tyre.
  • Aplikimin e praktikës profesionale  jashtë auditorëve.
  • Pajisjen me terminologji në drejtimin e sipërmarrjeve turistike, si njohuri të domosdoshme për tregun turistik.
  • Equipping them with practical knowledge and tools necessary for employment in the tourism sector.
  • Ability to analyze tourism as an integrative spatial process in the context of contemporary mobility.


Graduating students successfully completed the Professional Master's Degree in "Tourism Enterprise Management" have employment opportunities as follows but not limited to:


  • Manager of accommodation units (hotel, resort, inn, guest house, agribusiness, etc.)
  • Bar-restaurant manager and director
  • Travel agency manager, tourist travel business
  • Tourism business manager in the maritime field
  • Tourist Information Center Manager.
  • Project manager in the field of tourism.
  • Public administration employee in tourism institutions.
  • Employees in various destination management organizations, etc.

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