Professional Master

Audience Policy


Program Description

Professional Master in Public Policy offers students the opportunity to develop analytical skills and critical thinking to understand challenges and implementation of public policiesThis program aims to equip students with the knowledge and competencies necessary for the design, analysis and evaluation of public policies in the public and private sectors.

The program is designed to address the process of drafting public policies and managing public services, preparing students to understand the influence of political decision-making and social and economic factors in the administration of public policies.

Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "MP Public Policy" students

Program purpose

  • To enable students to analysis and effective implementation of public policies.
  • To develop skills for research and project management in the field of public policy.
  • To prepare professionals for public service management and policy performance evaluation.
  • To equip students with knowledge of political, social and economic indicators and their influence on public decision-making.
  • To help students develop critical and analytical thinking in solving public administration problems.

The three main points of the program

  • Drafting and implementing public policies: Focus on how policies are designed, developed and implemented at the national and international levels.
  • Public service management: Analysis of the role of the state in the provision of public services and the influence of political and economic factors.
  • Critical thinking and political analysis: Developing analytical skills to assess the effectiveness of policies and their impact on society.

Employment opportunities

  • Expert in policy-making and public management in public administration.
  • Public policy analyst in government institutions and international organizations.
  • Consultant and expert in social and economic project management.
  • Specialist in foreign policy and development policies.
  • Project coordinator in NGOs and international institutions.

Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates:

What skills will I develop during this program?

Students will develop skills in public policy analysis, policy impact assessment and public service management.


Is this program more theoretical or practical?

Programs a practical and analytical approach, including case studies and application of knowledge in public institutions and international organizations.

In what fields can I get employed after completing the program?

Graduates can work in public administration, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, policy-making institutions and the foreign policy sector.

at national and international level.

This program prepares students for leadership positions in the public sector, policy-making and project management at national and international level.


What are the main disciplines covered by the program?

The program includes politika publike, administratë publike, menaxhim shërbimesh, analizë politike dhe indikatorë socialë dhe ekonomikë.
