Department of Engineering and Marine Sciences

Description of the Department

The Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences is one of the three Basic Units of the Faculty of Professional Studies and consists of 15 academic staff members.

Currently in this new academic year 2017-2018 the composition of the Department's staff is as follows: 2 navigators (ship captains); 5 mechanical engineers; 2 electrical engineers; 2 construction engineers; 2 environmental engineers; 1 architect and 1 academic assistant - laboratory technician for the "Automotive Technology" branch. The Department consists of a staff of different ages, best harmonizing the rich experience in practice, but also in the field of teaching and scientific research of a part of it, with the momentum, enthusiasm, energy of the young staff who are eager for knowledge. The Department faithfully guides student and career paths, and manages with quality and responsibility the progress of studies in the Programs in the Study Cycle - Bachelor, Branch "Navigation and Maritime Management" and the 2-year Study Cycle - Professional Diploma in the Branches: "Automotive Technology", "Electrical Technician", "Maritime/Land Transport Management", "Construction Management", "Hydrotechnics-Water Supply-Sewerage".

The academic staff of the Department attaches importance to scientific research, elevating the name of UAMD, through active participation in Scientific Conferences (national and international), publications in scientific journals (with and without impact factor), as well as crowning its efforts with Scientific Titles and Degrees. Thus, in the last 3 years alone, the Department awarded the Title of Prof. As. to one member and 3 others received the Degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering. In the last 2 years, there have been 62 publications in Scientific Journals, 56 papers have been presented at Scientific Conferences, and they are collaborators in 6 EU projects. Likewise, this Department initiated the first Conference of the Faculty of Professional Studies and enabled its successful realization.

Regarding the specifics of the Study Programs covered by the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, the attention of its members is focused on the intensive and responsible work for the benefit of the student community, the academic-scientific community, but also the local community and the business world, with which the professional profiles of the Branches covered by this Department are closely related. 

Study Programs

Maritime Navigation and Management

Bachelor's degree

Electrical Technician

The Two-Year Program

Automotive Technology

The Two-Year Program

Maritime and Land Transport Management

The Two-Year Program

Marine Mechanic

The Two-Year Program

Construction Management

The Two-Year Program

Hydraulics Waterworks Sewage

The Two-Year Program

Air Conditioning Systems Specialist

The Two-Year Program

Industrial and Agricultural Plant Mechanics

The Two-Year Program

Maritime Logistics and Security

Professional Master

Maritime Environmental Protection and Management

Master of Science


Përgjegjëse Departamenti Dr. Ing. Stela Sefa

Dr. Eng. Stela Sefa is a lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences. She holds the title of Doctor of Science in Engineering, defended at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Tirana.

Ms. Sefa graduated in Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Tirana. She completed post-Master studies in Energy Efficiency and Real Estate Valuation, and specialized in Biogas at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen, Germany.

Research areas are Environmental Pollution, Renewable Energies, Energy Efficiency, Energy Auditing, etc.

Dr. Ing. Alma Golgota

Dr. Ing Alma GOLGOTA, born and residing in Durrës. Today she holds the position of Head of the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, at the Faculty of Professional Studies, at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. She holds an integrated second-level diploma from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, graduated in Construction Engineering, Rruga Ura. She has completed her doctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, in the specialty of Lightweight Constructions and Durable Concrete Production. She has extensive experience in the field of construction as a designer, implementer and academic. During this time she has a large number of publications in scientific journals, participation and publications in national and international conferences. She is a participant in many research projects, including projects in the European space. She is a participant in reviewer boards and in journals with Scopus indexing. Supports the Department's leadership work in evaluating academic human resources and scientific research.

Prof. Dr. Osman Metalla

Mr. Metalla was born in Durrës on July 17, 1964He graduated from Albanian Naval Academy and has extensive experience in the field of transport, coordination with stakeholders, management and logistics. Currently, he is Dean of the Faculty of Professional Studies at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës and holds the academic title Associate Professor.

The main subjects he teaches include: Navigation, Maritime Insurance, Maritime Economics and Marine Astronomy.

During his professional career, he has over 27 years of experience in port management, transport, port traffic, navigation safety, maritime legislation, coordination with sector stakeholders, port services and project implementation in the field of maritime affairs and all transport infrastructure (including road and rail transport) in Albania.

He has been Coordinator of the National Transport Sectoral Strategy (2006) and has experience in identifying stakeholder needs, planning and managing transport infrastructure projects, including feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis, as well as planning, monitoring and evaluation of international infrastructure projects.

His doctoral studies have addressed the topic: “Port spaces and their impact on port performance”.





Dr. Ing. Eli Vyshka

She graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Integrated Second Level Diploma). She holds a diploma (Second Level Master in Mechanical Engineering, profile “Transport Systems and Traffic Management” – postgraduate studies) from the Polytechnic University of Tirana and has earned the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Eng. Eli Vyshka is currently the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Professional Studies at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës and a lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences since March 2009. From 2012-2015 as an assistant professor at the Polytechnic University of Tirana.  

Dr. Eng. Eli Vyshka is the author of 12 lecture cycles for the study programs: “Logistics and Maritime Safety”, “Navigation and Maritime Management”, “Automotive Technology” and “Maritime/Land Transport Management”.  

Dr. Ing. Eli Vyshka is the author and co-author of more than 17 publications in scientific journals and 30 papers in regional, national and international conferences, 5 scientific research projects. Her publications include, among others, studies of inter-multimodal transport, equipment and operations on ships and ports, global supply chain management and logistics centers.

Recently, he has been trained on innovation, research and development, small and medium-sized enterprise projects by The Safety and Reliability Society (SARS Org. UK) through sponsorship from the EU Railway Agency and international consultations in the field of safety.


Dr. Cand Eduart Ndokaj

Born on 07.04.1972.

Completed Higher Studies in Mathematics – 1989 – 1994

University of Tirana-Faculty of Natural Sciences

Master of Science – Electronic Engineering 2016-2018

“Albanian University”-Faculty of Engineering. Tirana

I am completing my third-level PhD studies in Automotive Technology - “New Technologies in Electric Vehicles” - State University of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”. Sofia.BG (Completed by 2024)

Excellent knowledge of the Italian language.

After university studies, I emigrated to Italy and worked for 8.5 years at the Butan Gas & Lovato Gas company in Milan, Bolzano and Vicenza.

During this experience, he received the following titles:

  1. Specialized Technician for Domestic and Industrial GPL & Methane Installations
  2. Specialized Technician for GPL & CNG Gas Systems for Vehicles.

The company Butan Gas SpA transfers me from Bolzano to Tirana as Administrator of Tirana Butan Gas where I work from 31.3.2003- 01.11.2008

In October 2008, I founded the "Autogas Club Albania" Association, which includes all auto mechanics who install and repair gas systems for cars. This association is part of AEGPL CEFTA and AEGPL-Europe.

From 2008 to 2019, Administrator of the GPL-Auto Plant Ltd. (Lovatogas Albania).

From September 2013 - July 2018 Deputy Director of the "Beqir Cela" Vocational School, Shkozet.Durres.

October 2018- and ongoing: Lecturer at the "Aleksander Moisiu" University of Durres (initially part-time and for two years full-time) - Faculty of Professional Studies mainly in the Automotive Technology and Gas and Autogas programs.

Msc. Ing. Adnand Myshketa

Msc.Ing. Adnand MYSHKETA is a lecturer at the Department of Engineering Sciences and Detarise at the University "Aleksandër Moisiu", Durrës. He holds a 5-year integrated degree (Bachelor + Master of Science) in Mechanical Engineering (Machinery profile) from the University  Politeknik i TiranesHe holds a Second Level Master's degree (in Transport Systems and Traffic Management), from the University of  Politeknik i Tiranes.

He previously held the following positions:

  • Chief/mechanic on Merchant Navy ships
  • Head of the Printing Production Department në D.T.Sh.
  • Mechanical Engineer at the Fushe-Kruje Cement Factory.

Msc.Ing.Adnand MYSHKETA has completed training in the field of Cement Production Machinery and Printing Machinery.

He has participated in regional conferences on Road Transport.

Msc.Ing.Adnand MYSHKETA is the author of several cycles of lectures in the field of Automotive Technology.

Msc. Ing. Drita Hima

She graduated in 1990 and earned the title of “Mechanical Engineer” at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. She has completed various trainings within the country in the field of transport. She is a “Theory and Practical Teacher in Driving Schools for all categories of Driving Licenses”. In 2012, she graduated from the Agricultural University in Kamëz, graduating as an Economist in “Agrarian Economics and Policy”. In 2014, she completed her postgraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering with a “Master’s Degree in Transportation, Traffic and Road Safety Management”. While in 2017, she received a License for “Technical Auto Service Manager” for automobiles. Since September 2015, she is currently an Assistant/Lecturer at the Faculty of Professional Studies of the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës and covers several subjects in the branches of Transport Management, Automotive Technology and Industrial and Agricultural Plant Mechanics.

Msc. Ing. Erion Mali

MSc. Ing. Erion MALI is a lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, of the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës. He graduated from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, with a ‘Bachelor’ and ‘Master of Science’ degrees in Electrical Engineering.

He has work experience in both academic and professional fields. Some of his previous professional experiences include:

As a Maintenance Engineer, responsible for the production line;

as IT (network administration);

as an Electrical Engineer, responsible for the installation, repair and maintenance of industrial machinery such as: welding and cutting machines, CNC lathes, lathes, drilling machines, etc.;

as an Electrical Engineer in the design and installation of various electrical networks in residential, industrial and photovoltaic plants.

In terms of academic experiences: he has worked as a part-time and full-time lecturer at various universities, both public and private.

He is the author of several publications in journals, national and international conferences.

Msc. Ing. Blerta Gërmenji

Msc. Eng. Blerta Gërmënji is a full-time lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, “Aleksandër Moisiu University”, Durrës since October 2017. She graduated from the Polytechnic University, Tirana (Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Industrial Automation profile).

Previously, she was a part-time lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, "Aleksandër Moisiu University", Durrës in the period October 2015 - July 2017.

During this time, there has been a considerable number of papers and participation in national and international conferences.

He has experience in the technical and design sectors respectively. The main tasks in the technical sector have been the operation and maintenance of the electrical network, while the focus in the design sector has been the planning and design of the low and medium voltage network.


Msc. Ing. Rezarta Cara

I am Msc. Eng. Rezarta CARA, Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, Faculty of Professional Studies, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. I hold an integrated second-level diploma from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Civil Engineering, graduated as a Civil and Industrial Construction Engineer. I have a License for supervision and approval of construction works, since 2010, renewed according to new standards in 2018.

I have completed a series of postgraduate qualification courses such as: Real Estate Valuation Course – Buildings and Land, at the Polytechnic University of Tirana (First Degree); Real Estate Valuation Course – Agricultural Land, Forest Land, etc., at the Agricultural University of Tirana (First Degree); Energy Audit Course for Energy Efficiency Assessment in Buildings at Polis University and Energy Audit Course for Energy Efficiency Assessment in Technological Processes at “Aleksander Moisiu” University.

I have extensive experience in the field of construction works implementation and in the academic field. During this time I have a considerable number of publications in scientific journals, national and international conferences. I am a participant in research projects. I support the academic work of the Department as a member of the permanent committee for guaranteeing the quality standards of the FSP.

Msc. Ing. Luiza Lluri

Msc.Ing Luiza LLURI, is a lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, at the Faculty of Professional Studies, at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. She holds an integrated second-level diploma from the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, majoring in metalworking machinery technology.

 In 2011, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with a Master's Degree in Transport Planning, Traffic Management and Road Safety at the Polytechnic University of Tirana. He has extensive experience in the field of teaching professional and academic subjects.

During this time, she has a large number of publications in scientific journals, national and international conferences. She is a participant in research projects. From 2009 onwards, as a lecturer, she covers the Branches: Automotive Technology and Transport Management in the subjects: Materials Technology; Engineering Drawing; Means of Transport; Automotive Construction Elements, Public Transport.

Msc. Ing. Elma Kodra

Msc. Eng. Elma Kodra is a Lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences.
at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. She holds a degree from the University
Polytechnic of Tirana (Second Level Integrated Diploma in Environmental Engineering), from
Polytechnic University of Tirana (Master of Science in Water Treatment)
She has been a full-time lecturer in the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences at
Universitetin “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës.

Msc. Ark. Justin Mihani

MSc. Ark. Justin MIHANI is a lecturer in the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. He holds a degree from the “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy (BSc and MSc in Architecture).

He previously held the position Architect – Coordinator in the Urban Planning Office. Director – Directorate of Control, Urban Development and Property, Kavaja Municipality.

MSc. Ark. MIHANI is the author and co-author of several publications in scientific journals and regional, national and international conferences.

Msc. Capt. Shpëtim Pupa

Msc. Captain Shpetim Pupa is a lecturer in the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences at the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës. He holds an integrated second-level diploma from the Vlora Maritime Academy “Msc in Maritime Navigation”.

Previously, he held the position of Captain on various maritime transport vessels with Albanian and foreign flags.

Company Captain, Designated Person (DPA) for safe management and Company Safety Officer (CSO) at San Nikolla LLC.
