The Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences is one of the three Basic Units of the Faculty of Professional Studies and consists of 15 academic staff members.
Currently in this new academic year 2017-2018 the composition of the Department's staff is as follows: 2 navigators (ship captains); 5 mechanical engineers; 2 electrical engineers; 2 construction engineers; 2 environmental engineers; 1 architect and 1 academic assistant - laboratory technician for the "Automotive Technology" branch. The Department consists of a staff of different ages, best harmonizing the rich experience in practice, but also in the field of teaching and scientific research of a part of it, with the momentum, enthusiasm, energy of the young staff who are eager for knowledge. The Department faithfully guides student and career paths, and manages with quality and responsibility the progress of studies in the Programs in the Study Cycle - Bachelor, Branch "Navigation and Maritime Management" and the 2-year Study Cycle - Professional Diploma in the Branches: "Automotive Technology", "Electrical Technician", "Maritime/Land Transport Management", "Construction Management", "Hydrotechnics-Water Supply-Sewerage".
The academic staff of the Department attaches importance to scientific research, elevating the name of UAMD, through active participation in Scientific Conferences (national and international), publications in scientific journals (with and without impact factor), as well as crowning its efforts with Scientific Titles and Degrees. Thus, in the last 3 years alone, the Department awarded the Title of Prof. As. to one member and 3 others received the Degree of Doctor of Science in Engineering. In the last 2 years, there have been 62 publications in Scientific Journals, 56 papers have been presented at Scientific Conferences, and they are collaborators in 6 EU projects. Likewise, this Department initiated the first Conference of the Faculty of Professional Studies and enabled its successful realization.
Regarding the specifics of the Study Programs covered by the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences, the attention of its members is focused on the intensive and responsible work for the benefit of the student community, the academic-scientific community, but also the local community and the business world, with which the professional profiles of the Branches covered by this Department are closely related.