Primary Education


Program Description

Language Used in Teaching: Albanian Language
Official Duration of the Study Program: Three academic years
Admission Requirements for the Specific Study Program:
The student must hold one of the following diplomas:
– State Matura Diploma
– High School Diploma (general or specialized, from the old system).
– Professional High School Diploma (5-year program).
– Secondary Education Diploma obtained abroad, recognized and equated with the above-
mentioned diplomas by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.

This program prepares qualified teachers for grades 1 through 6 of the 9-year school system. The
process will be carried out through further qualification advancement at the "Professional Master's"
or "Master's of Science" level, allowing for continued in-depth studies up to the third level of
education towards the "Doctor of Science" degree.

Pedagogical and methodological training to maximize the success of young school-age students.

Main Objectives of the Program::


  1. Professional training of students in the scientific understanding of various disciplines such as:
    mathematics, Albanian language, the history of Albania, natural sciences, artistic and physical education.
  2. Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of young
    school-age students.
  3. Teacher training for the lower cycle through both passive and active practice in 9-year schools,
    under the guidance of subject-specific pedagogues as well as mentor teachers.
  4. Multidisciplinary training that facilitates educational planning and organization not only in urban
    areas but also teaching in collective classrooms.
  5. Activities that require critical and creative thinking, as well as problem-solving, both in individual work and group work, utilizing didactic and technological tools throughout the learning process. Portfolio assessment and classroom research are part of the student training process.

Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates:

Admission Requirements for the Primary Education Program:

  • To be admitted to the program, students must have a State Matura diploma or a high school diploma. Diplomas obtained abroad must be recognized and equivalated by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.

Employment Opportunities Offered by this Program Upon Completion:

After completing their studies and obtaining their license, graduates can be employed as primary education teachers in both the public and private sectors.

Is support provided to students during their studies?

Yes, the university provides support to students through guiding professors and professional internships.

Which subjects are included in the study program?

The program includes various scientific disciplines, pedagogical and methodological training, as well as practice in 9-year schools under the guidance of professors.

Is there an opportunity to continue studies after completing this program?

Yes, students can continue their studies with a Professional Master's program and specialize as primary education teachers.

  • Further study opportunities in the Second Cycle of Study
    Professional Master's Program
  • Primary education teacher, as well as in programs of other cycles foreseen by other applicable
    legal and sub-legal acts in force.

