Program Description
Language Used in Teaching: Albanian Language
Official Duration of the Study Program: Three academic years
Admission Requirements for the Specific Study Program:
The student must hold one of the following diplomas:
– State Matura Diploma
– High School Diploma (general or specialized, from the old system).
– Professional High School Diploma (5-year program).
– Secondary Education Diploma obtained abroad, recognized and equated with the above-
mentioned diplomas by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.
This program prepares qualified teachers for grades 1 through 6 of the 9-year school system. The
process will be carried out through further qualification advancement at the "Professional Master's"
or "Master's of Science" level, allowing for continued in-depth studies up to the third level of
education towards the "Doctor of Science" degree.
Pedagogical and methodological training to maximize the success of young school-age students.
Main Objectives of the Program::
Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates: