Established in 2013, the Department of Literature has seven members,
of whom two hold the title of Associate Professors and five members hold the degree of Doctor.
Since the university's establishment in 2006, the Literature lecturers have been part of
Department of Teaching and then the Department of Pedagogy and
"Department of Language and Literature" before Literature emerged as a separate department.
The academic staff of the Department of Literature attaches importance to scientific research, through
active participation in Scientific Conferences (national and international), publications in
scientific journals (with and without impact factor), teaching abroad, as well as by
crowned his efforts with Scientific Titles and Degrees. To the attention of the members of
The department's mission is to work intensively and responsibly for the benefit of the student community.
and academic-scientific.
The Department of Literature offers three programs, one in the first cycle and two in the second cycle of
studies. The programs are offered in close collaboration with the Department of Language and
also in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Languages.
Through the courses it offers within the framework of its programs, the Department of Literature aims to:
prepare teachers and in-depth experts in scientific knowledge in the field of literature.
Programs of the Department of Albanian Language
Bachelor “Gjuhë-Letërsi”
Professional Master "Teacher of Albanian Language and Literature"
Master of Science "Teacher for Lower Secondary Education for Albanian Language - Literature"
and English Language"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marisa Kërbizi, is an internal lecturer at the “Aleksandër” University
Moisiu” Durrës, since the opening of this institution. She has graduated with excellent results
4-year studies at the University of Tirana, department "Language-Literature". He has completed his studies
Master (SHPU), specializing in modern literature, through a thesis on
Anton Pashku's creativity. She defended her doctoral thesis with maximum marks (100)
points) in 2013 and in 2022 received the title of Associate Professor in the Department of
Literature, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marisa Kërbizi has carried out exchanges within the framework of ERASMUS programs
+, at Tartu University, Estonia (2019), Jaen University, Spain (2022), Pedagogical
University of Krakow, Poland (2022), Leon University, Spain (2023), etc.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marisa Kërbizi has held important leadership positions in
"Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës. She has served as a member of the Ethics Council
for a 4-year term, member of the UAMD Research Council, Deputy Dean for
Scientific Research, Faculty of Education (2017-2019), as well as Head of the Department
of Literature (2019-present).
Prof. Kërbizi is the author of the books: “Modernist and Postmodernist Inflections in
"The Albanian Novel" (2022), "Introduction to Academic Writing" (2017). She is co-author of
in the alternative text approved by the Ministry of Education “Albanian Language and Literature 12” (2011).
Prof. Kërbizi is also a co-author of “Language, Power and Ideology: A volume in
Advances in Linguistic and Communication Studies”, botuar nga IGI GLOBAL, Amerikë
(2017), as well as “Ideological Messaging and the Role of Political Ideology”, republished in
America and indexed in SCOPUS (2019).
It is an active participant in programs funded by the European Union, with
aimed at strengthening capacities in higher education institutions. Prof. Kërbizi is
recipient of grants in programs such as: Urban Places: Local Stories and Digital Writing
Tools”, Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estoni (2021) “Ëriting Urban Places. The city and the
myth”, Yeditepe University, Stamboll dhe Çanakkale, Turqi (2021), “Sloë Memory”,
Aarhus, Danimarkë (2023), etc.
Prof. Kërbizi is a writer and project manager implemented by Terre des Hommes (Albania – Hungary) and funded by the European Union (2019), (2022),
(2023), focusing on the application of literature in the function of socio-emotional empowerment of
interest groups.
Prof. Marisa Kërbizi has participated in 45 scientific activities such as congresses and conferences.
organized by academic institutions in Belgium, Lithuania, Estonia, France, Poland, etc.,
and is a recipient of grants related to scientific research. She is the head of the courses
“Contemporary Albanian Literature” (Bachelor) and “Contemporary Albanian Literature” (Master)
Professional/Master of Science). Her field of expertise is related to modern prose and
postmodern, gender studies, etc., a field in which there are over 50 publications in journals
prestigious international institutions, part of such institutions as the Estonian Academy of Arts,
Estonian Association of Comparative Literature, Lithuanian Comparative Literature
Association, Alma Matter Centre of Excellence in the Humanities, etc.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bavjola Shatro, is an internal lecturer at UAMD since
its establishment, in 2006. She completed her 4-year university studies at the University of
of Tirana and graduated with the Excellent Student Medal (2005). He completed his studies
Master's degree at the Post-University School (SHPU) at the University of Tirana (2007) with
specializing in contemporary Albanian prose (Ismail Kadare's novel). She has completed
doctoral studies at the Academy of Albanological Studies in Tirana (2011), with
specializing in the comparative study of contemporary Albanian poetry. She has completed her graduate
credits course për Evaluation Assessment of IB Grading Standards në Kent State University
in the USA, in 2018 with a maximum rating of 12/12. In 2016, she earned the academic title
"Associate Professor" from "Aleksandër Xhuvani" University, Elbasan.
Prof. Assoc.Dr.Shatro has conducted scientific research for doctoral studies in the field of
Literary and critical theories, scientific research methods and comparative literature, in
Università di Pavia, Italy (2010) and at the University of Turku, Finland (2011). She has completed
specializations, research work and has lectured at BA and MA levels in the fields of:
Comparative Literature, 20th Century Foreign Literature, Contemporary Literary Criticism in
Pennsylvania State University, SHBA (2012), Abo Alkademi University, Finlandë (2013),
University of Salamanca, Spanjë (2015).
She is currently the second-term elected president of the academic body.
International South East European Studies Association (SEESA), in the USA (2018- 2022,
Prof. Shatro is a member of the Scientific Board of two Scopus indexed journals:
Balkanistica (USA) and Hiperborea (Romania), and is a scientific reviewer for 6 Scopus journals. She has served as a scientific reviewer for reputable publishers such as
Routledge and for well-known universities such as Pennsylvania University Press and Syracuse
University Press (USA). Since 2016, she has been a member of the Scientific Board of the house
academic publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Great Britain) in the field of Literature
– Prof. Shatro has published 3 scholarly books as a sole author:
“Between(s) and Beyond(s) in Contemporary Albanian Literature”, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, Great Britain, 2016. 150 pp.
"Word and Ontology in Contemporary Poetry (M.Camaj, A.Shkreli, A.Podrimja,
A.Tufa)” Dita 2000, Tirana 2012. 336 p.
“Analysis and Interpretation (Classics of Albanian and World Literature)”, Dita 2000, Tirana,
2010.420 fq.
– She has published 2 books as a co-author:
1. "The Renaissance of Europe; its culture." with F. Tarifa, R. Lani. Ombra GVG, Tirana, 2010.
2. “Albanian Sociology” with J. Weinstein, K. Mile. Ombra GVG, Tirana, 2011
– Has contributed chapters to 6 volumes of selected studies and to 1
1. Epic of Gilgamesh and Ancient Mesopotamian Religion, in the encyclopedia Religion and
World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present, ed.
Andrew Holt. Bloomsbury, 2023. USA.
2. “Re-entering totalitarian Hell: Ismail Kadare’s Palace of Dreams and George Orwell’s
1984.” në Revisiting the Old Spaces in XX Century Literature. Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2016.
3. “The Nature of Poetry; Poetic Reality between Ontology and Ethics in the poetry of
P.Celan and A. Podrimja" në Size Zero, Poetry in Modern Times, FCJK, Montenegro, 2016.
4. "Between American Contemporary Literature and Albanian Culture; Poetry of Luljeta
Lleshanaku and Cathy Song" në Mapping the World of Anglo-Saxon Studies”. Cambridge
Scholars Publishing. 2015.
5 .”Beauty and Pain, and the Escape from Convention in Tragedy”,”Oedipus Coloneus” by
Sophocles and “King Lear” by W. Shakespeare" në The Beauty of Convention: Essays in
Literature and Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014.
7. “Sociologjia dhe letërsia”;, në vëllimin me studime të zgjedhura Shkencat e Shoqërisë.
Onufri, Tiranë, 2013.
– She is a scientific co-editor on a volume of selected articles
1. "Challenges in Anglophone Language(s), Literatures and Culture." with Alena Kacmarova.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Great Britain, 2017, 350 pp. Prof. Shatro has published as sole author 36 scientific articles, review articles and
reviews in international, indexed and peer-reviewed academic journals, of which
15 have been published in Thomson Reuters, Scopus, and Thomson Reuters indexed journals
Emerging Sources at universities in the US and Europe. He has also published 16 studies in
literary periodicals in Albania, Kosovo and Italy. She has presented her work as an author of
alone in 43 international conferences, organized by universities and institutes
research in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey,
Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia.
She is the head of the courses Contemporary Albanian Literature - Poetry I, II and Foreign Literature.
XX century-I, II (BA) and Scientific Research Methods (MSc).
In addition to other duties, Prof. Shatro has served as a member of the Faculty Council of
Education for a 4-year term and as a member of the UAMD Research Council since
Dr. Olimbi VELAJ: Lecturer, Faculty of Education, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University,
Durrës, Deputy Dean for Scientific Research (2012-2016); Head of the Department
of Literature (2016-2020). He worked in Pristina, AAB College (2013-2015) and in
University of Belgrade, Department of Albanology, Faculty of Philology (2015-2021).
Lectures Ancient Literature-19th century, Literature teaching methodology, Writing
creative, Literary interpretation.
He completed his studies in Language and Literature at the Faculty of History and Philology, University of
Tirana, 1996. Won a research scholarship at Sofia University (1997-1998). With “Balada
Albanian in the Inter-Balkan Context” (2012) earned her doctorate in sciences. Her interests
The fields of study are world literature from antiquity to the 20th century, oral literature and poetry,
the theory of ballads and folk songs, etc.
Since 2019, she has been a member of the National Ballad Commission, a permanent commission of
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania. Since 2016 she has been a member of
InASEA (International Association for Southeast European Anthropology). Since 2012
is a member of the International Ballad Commission KfV (Kommission für
Volksdichtung). She is the author of dozens of research articles and the monograph "Balada,
from orality to literature”, 2020, publication of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, winner of
the Dora D'Istria Award for women and girls in science.
She worked as a reporter, editor and editor-in-chief from 1993-2013 in the most important newspapers.
national, in magazines and at Radio Tirana, (2008-2013 freelance journalist). She worked in many
international projects (UNEP, Forbes, The Guardian, BBC, Der Spiegel etc.) and
She was awarded prizes for her journalism. She is a well-known poet of contemporary Albanian literature. She has published three volumes of poetry,
two of which are Albanian-English. He has published an Italian-Albanian poetry volume in Italy. His poems
have been published in 18 languages in literary journals and anthologies and presented in 20 countries.
around the world, at festivals, literary colonies, competitions and public readings. She is the winner of several
literary awards at home and abroad. Translates contemporary world poets into Albanian.
Gazmend Krasniqi was born in Shkodra, where he studied literature at the university.
"Luigj Gurakuqi", and lives in Tirana.
He also completed a second-level master's degree in literary studies and received a doctorate in
the topic "Albanian Poetry as Literary History".
His qualifications are mainly in the field of modern literary theories, without leaving aside
the Albanian literary tradition, which he views in syntonic and diachronic terms.
His scientific and teaching experience is also in the field of aesthetics and
philosophy of art.
He is a participant in several scientific conferences and author of several scientific publications.
inside and outside the country.
He has published several monographs related to the framework of his studies and teaching in
"Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës, as ;Albanian Poetry, a Literary History;,
;Modernism and Postmodernism in Literature; and The Art of Poetry (co-author). It is in
working process and publication of the monograph; How to read Albanian literature: Romanticism,
Modernism; Postmodernism.
He is the co-founder and co-director of the cultural magazine, dedicated to literature, criticism
and literary studies;" (online).
He is also known as a creator, representing Albanian literature in several anthologies and
international magazine, but also as a literary critic and anthologist. New European Poets (USA
2008); The New Condemned: Contemporary Albanian Poetry in English, USA 2002;
Anthologie Sète, France 2017; Pais remoto, Lyrik aus Albanien, Nr. 189, Chile 2020:
Schweizer Literaturzeitschrrift, Dezember 2016: Albanialaista nykyrunoutta, Finland 2019,
Una marea di sogni
(english, french, german); Galway review: Antologia della letteratura albanese
contemporanea (Italy); Poésie albanaise (Belgium); Izbor iz savremene albanske proze,
Montenegro; Cobpemeha пoеэија Aлбанија, Scopje.) . RESIDENCA: 2013 Writer in
Residence, KulturKontakt Austria, Vienë, Austri; Program “Writer in residence”, May
2010, Pecs (Hungary) – European Capital of Culture for 2012.
Dr. Drita Isufaj, completed her four-year higher education studies at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana in 2006. During the years 2009-2011 she completed
Second Level Master's Degree (MND) at the same faculty, awarded with a certificate
"Distinguished student". In 2018 she earned the degree "Doctor of Science in Literature" from the same university.
institution. She has participated in a number of scientific conferences, published articles
studies, translations from contemporary foreign literature, as well as artistic creativity in poetry
and in prose. She is very well versed in the following languages: French, English, Italian and Spanish.
Enida Godime (Lama) is a full-time lecturer in the Department of Literature,
Faculty of Education, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës. She graduated in
in 2006 in the Language and Literature branch, literature profile, at the Faculty of History and Philology,
University of Tirana and in 2013 completed advanced postgraduate studies
(Master of Science “Literary Studies”) at the same Faculty. In 2021 she defended her thesis
dissertation for the degree of "Doctor of Science" in the field of literature. At this time she has
worked as a part-time lecturer in the Language Department, at the same University
where she now works. Enida is the author of numerous research articles and a participant in
various national and international conferences, such as Academic
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies with the study "The paradoxes of situation in the work
“Odin Mondvalsen”; në Academic Journal of Business, Administration, Law and Social
Sciences E-ISSN me studimin “Magic elements from Kim Mehmeti’s prose”; në Beder
University Journal of Educational Science with the paper "The paradoxes of life of the
Albanian writer Kasëm Trebeshina compared to the British writer George Orwell”; në
International New York Academic Research Congress on Humanities and Social Science
me artikullin “Hypotext of short prose and pretext of Kasëm Trebeshina writer”; në
"Artemis" International Congress on Humanities and Social Science with the article
"Revitalizing the past of narration through irony" and so with a broad flow in
humanities conferences.
Enida's main research is in Albanian literature, especially modern and
postmodern. Some of its main points of focus are irony, the grotesque, paradox,
intertextuality and linguistic innovations encountered in the modern novel, modern drama and
in the general features of 20th century literature. In the literature department, courses in
Its main areas of interest are: Literary interpretation, History of Albanian drama, Scientific research, etc.
Dr. Alma Dema, has earned the title of Doctor of Science from the University of Tirana,
Faculty of History and Philology, in the field of Cultural Anthropology, a field in which she has been lecturing as a senior lecturer for 10 years. She is the author of the monographs "Traces
ethnological studies in the field of fairy tales", and "Eine Abhandlung über einige der
anthropologischen Merkamma Albaniens”, German publishing house UnserWissen.
Her professional interests range from anthropology, comparative literature, and cultural studies.
cultural. She has more than 40 published works and articles, among which in
scientific journals, such as Science Arena Publication Specialty Journal of Humanities and
Cultural Science and International Journal of Science, Mondo Italo – Albanian Italy, IJRD,
Albania, Haemus, Romania, Context, North Macedonia, Eduweb, Venezuela, In Status
Nacendi, Bulgaria, etc.
She has also presented her work at national and international conferences and congresses.
international institutions such as: State University of Pushkin, Leningrad: Continuous Education for
Sustainable Development, Lifelong Learning, Rusi, Central Connecticut State University,
at the conference “International Journal of Arts & Sciences”. Siena, Italy, Conference
International: "Languages, Cultures, Ethnos. Formation of the linguistic world-image, aspects
philological and methodological”, Russia, “Children of the Future”, international conference of
organized by the University of Cambridge, England, etc.