10 Dhjetori is International Human Rights Day,on this day, the students of the Master's Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Science and Law, UAMD, held an open lecture discussing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with lecturer Dr. Mirela Metushaj.
The United Nations, immediately after the Second World War, while Europe and the entire world were still smoldering from the material and human ruins of the war, declared Deklaratën Universale të të Drejtave të Njeriut, this declaration was announced in Paris in 1948.
So much destruction and so much horror had prompted the first 58 UN member states to enshrine civil and humanitarian principles in the Universal Declaration, summarized in thirty articles that define the rights of every citizen of the world.
A commitment for the participating countries not only to respect these rights, but also to spread the values of Democracy, Freedom, Diversity and Tolerance throughout the world. There are thirty articles that have lost none of their importance and it would be enough to quote some of them to understand all the initial concern for the future of man and his dignity.
Unfortunately, more than seventy years later, respect for human rights is far from achieving the objectives of the Universal Declaration. There are many inequalities, many denied rights to health, education and access to decent work.
Currently there are many conflicts, many situations in which peace is in constant danger.
However, this day reminds us of how important it is not to stop defending these rights and invites us to look further, beyond fear and indifference, to give meaning to the dignity of each person.