Today, a meeting was held at the Faculty of Education at UAMD within the framework of the VALEU-X project. Dr. Anita Muho, head of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Education at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, states that this project is financed by EU funds and Erasmus projects.
VALEU-X offers higher education institutions in Albania a chance to explore, implement and disseminate international practices in their country, to increase the exposure of their students and staff in a European, international, academic, economic and social context.
A comprehensive capacity building program will be developed and implemented to facilitate intensive knowledge transfer among consortium members and address the problems: limited academic physical mobility, limited international perspective in university teaching modules, the gap between learning outcomes and labor market needs, and the inefficient use of ICT in higher education in Albanian HEIs.
The project activities are planned based on the expertise and best practices of European HEIs, to achieve the following objectives:
Introducing and promoting student-centered teaching and learning methodologies. Social collaboration and learning approaches are proposed based on constructivist and connectivist learning methodologies to foster student interaction and active knowledge building for long-term learning.
Well-constructed project-based activities will be implemented to facilitate ongoing student engagement throughout the learning process (Blumenfeld et al., 1991).
Modernizing teaching practices in Albanian HEIs with innovative technologies: Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) is proposed as an effective tool to help students achieve professional competencies and cultural awareness. This project aims to help modernize higher education by involving students in an inclusive learning environment using technology. (Tawileh, Bukvova, & Schoop, 2013).
Internationalization from their home country, with “Virtual Mobility”: ICT-based International Academic Exchange, are proposed to overcome the limited physical academic mobility between Albanian and European HEIs and provide Albanian students and academic staff with an international experience from their universities, using flexible and affordable technologies (Tawileh, 2016). Best practices of Virtual Mobility will be implemented to meet the needs and priorities of the partners (Villar-Onrubia, & Rajpal 2016).
Specific objectives of VALEU-X:
Qualification of academic staff in Albanian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in modern pedagogical and didactic methodologies regarding virtual teaching and learning.
Supporting Albanian HEIs in the adaptation and implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and integrating Albanian HEIs into a global network for "Virtual Mobility".
Qualification of administrative staff in Albanian HEIs to adapt to Virtual/Blended Mobility, as part of the institutional internationalization strategy.