Workshop on the Functioning of HEIs and Administrative Procedures of Basic and Main Units

Activity description:

On September 25, 2024, the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës (UAMD), organized an informative workshop on its premises in Conference Room 310 Currila. The activity was organized by Center for Research, Development and Excellence in collaboration with Directorate of Curriculum and Quality Standards, Directorate of Administration and Academic Services, Human Resources and Legal Department,and Directorate of Projects and External Relations.This event aimed to strengthen cooperation and optimize administrative processes and the functioning of the university's academic units.

The workshop was held with the central theme "Functioning of HEIs and Administrative Procedures of Basic Units and Main Units", where leaders and participants discussed how administrative procedures and cooperation processes between the university's various academic and administrative units can be improved.

Topics discussed during the workshop:

1. Welcome speech by the Rector Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Fortuzi

The Rector of “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Fortuzi, opened the workshop by emphasizing the importance of close cooperation between the basic and main units, as a way to guarantee efficiency in the academic and administrative processes of the university. He underlined that this workshop was an excellent opportunity to reflect on the improvement of existing processes and to share best practices.

2. Center for Research, Development and Excellence (CRDE)

The presentation of this center included familiarizing the participants with the forms and opportunities of cooperation in the field of scientific research. QCDE also presented the process of publishing scientific papers and activities in the international journal IJRD (International Journal of Research and Development), encouraging academic staff to engage more in scientific research and international publications.

3. Directorate of Curriculum and Quality Standards

During this session, the administrative procedures of the academic units were discussed, including updating the management staff with the legal basis and bylaws that regulate the functioning of these units. Also, positive experiences and best practices were shared in the various management and administration functions of the basic and main units. This session also included issues related to reorganization and accreditation of study programs.

4. Human Resources and Legal Department

This directorate provided a presentation on recruitment processes and personnel documentation management. The discussion also included issues of personnel file management and improving internal procedures to ensure a more efficient service for academic and administrative staff.

5. Directorate of Administration and Academic Services

This directorate presented its functions and responsibilities, emphasizing the role it plays in supporting academic units and administering services to students and staff. The discussion focused on creating a strong network of communication and collaboration between different sectors and identifying opportunities for further improvement in the provision of academic and administrative services.

6. Directorate of Projects and External Relations

During this part of the workshop, the strategic objectives for the internationalization of the university and the application procedures for international projects were presented. The importance of the university's engagement in international projects to strengthen its position in the region and to create new opportunities for staff and students was discussed.

7. Discussions and reflections

At the end of the activity, a discussion session was held where participants shared their experiences and proposed ideas for further improving the administrative and academic process at the university. This session aimed to gather practical suggestions and promote broader cooperation between units.

This workshop ended with a spirit of optimism and a shared commitment to improve the way units within the university function, focusing on increasing the effectiveness and integration of various administrative and academic structures.

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