Nëkuadërtëprojektit “Trust in Science and Science Related Populism” (TISP), drejtuarfromUniversityiHarvardit, Kembrixh, SHBA andUniversityiZyrihut, University“AleksandërMoisiu” iDurrësitbëritëmundurfinancimin e mbledhjessëtëdhënavepërShqipëriin.
➢ Kyprojekt u drejtuafromDr.ViktoriaCologna (UniversityiHarvardit) andNiels Mede (UniversityiZyrihut).
➢ ABOUTtëmarrëkampionimin e pjesëmarrësveinsaonshumëvendetëjetë e mundur, kyprojekt u krijuainformën e njëstudimitëshumëlaboratorëve. U mblodhëntëdhënainmbi 50 vendeandstudiuesit e përzgjedhursibashkëpunëtorëpërShqipërinëishinDr.AniBajrami (UniversityiTiranës) andProf.Asoc.Dr.RenataTokrri(University“AleksandërMoisiu” Durrës).
➢ KystudimiShumëLaboratorëveanalizoifaktorëtqëndikojnëbesimininshkencëandparashikuesit e qëndrimevepopulistetëlidhura me shkencëninvendetëndryshme. Onkonkretisht: a) opinionipublikmbirolin e shkencësinshoqëriandpolitikëbërje, b) qëllimetandpërfitimet e perceptuaratëshkencës, c) mënyrat se siindividëtinmbarëglobin informohenandkomunikojnëpërshkencën, and d) qëndrimetpërndyshimetklimatike.
➢ Konkluzionet e projektit do tëofrojnënjëpasqyrëtëkonceptevekryesoretëmaturainanketëandmarrëdhëniet e tyre. Ato do tepublikohenaëScienceandwhichëdhënat e plota do whichëpublikokenaëNature Scientific Data.
➢ In the frame of the project “Trust in Science and Science-Related Populism” (TISP), led by Harvard University, Cambridge, USA and the University of Zurich, “AleksandërMoisiu” University of Durrës made possible the financing of the data collection for Albania.
➢ This project was led by Dr. ViktoriaCologna (Harvard University) and Niels Mede
(University of Zurich).
➢ To sample participants in as many countries as possible, this project was set up in the form of a Many Labs study. Data in over 50 countries were collected and the researchers selected as collaborators for Albania were Dr. AniBajrami (University of Tirana) and Associate Professor RenataTokrri (“AleksandërMoisiu” University of Durrës).
➢ This Many Labs study analyzed factors influencing trust in science and predictors of science-related populist attitudes across different countries. More specifically: a) public opinion on the role of science in society and policymaking, b) the perceived goals and benefits of science, c) the ways in which individuals around the globe are informed and communicate about science, and d) attitudes on climate change.
➢ The scientific paper from the project will provide an overview of the key concepts measured in the survey and their relationships. It will be submitted to Science and the complete dataset will be submitted to Nature Scientific Data.