Thirrje për shkëmbime të stafit akademik me Danubius University of Galati, Rumani.

Universiteti “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, në kuadër të programit Erasmus+ KA171, i ofron stafit akademik mundësinë për të zhvilluar një javë trajnim në Universitetin e Danubius, Rumani. (University of Danubius ).

The mobility consists of training for academic staff in English for one week (5 days) at the host university.

Number of quotas:

·  10 (dhjetë) për staf akademik.

Type of mobility:

· Training (13-17 May 2024)


· Faculty of Education

·  Fakulteti i Shkencave Politike Juridike

·  Fakulteti i Biznesit

· Faculty of Information Technology

·  Fakulteti i Studimeve Profesionale;

Afati i aplikimit: 11 Prill 2024.

Depending on the number and quality of applications, the winners will be announced in collaboration with the host University.

Dokumentacioni i nevojshëm për stafin akademik për të aplikuar për mobilitet në Danubius University of Galati, Rumani:

– CV according to Europass format in English; 

– Proof of English language proficiency;

– Copy of passport;

The duration of stay must be 7 days, where 5 days are working days and two days are travel days.

Documents can be submitted electronically to the address or in person at the Directorate of Projects and External Relations, Third Floor, Office 320, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University L.1 Taulantia Street, Durres.

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