Meeting at La Sapienza Rome: Deepening Cooperation with UAMD for New Programs and Innovative Initiatives.

Invited by the highest levels of La Sapienza University, in Rome, the Rector of UAMD, Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Fortuzi discussed with the Pro-Rector Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Ciccarone and Pro-Rector Prof. Dr. Alberto Pastore the collaboration between the two institutions through the Sapienza Experimental Economic Lab (CIMEO) Center for Investigation and Modeling of Experimental Observations, a multidisciplinary laboratory for research on the nature of human decision-making, the way individuals interact within organizations and markets, and the determinants of overall economic, political, and social outcomes. The laboratory conducts experiments with appropriate monetary and non-monetary incentives and under controlled conditions, in order to identify the factors that influence human behavior and measure their effects.

Also discussed was cooperation regarding the “Summer School & Workshop at CIMEO – Sapienza” where Master and Doctoral students can specialize in experimental approaches, using interdisciplinary methods to address the most pressing challenges in economics, working with the most advanced statistical software and learning about the most critical challenges in experimental and behavioral economics. Whether finance, development, game theory or the environment, participants will gain knowledge on how behavioral economics is used in these fast-growing topics.

During the discussions, it was agreed to advance with other joint programs, strengthening mobility between students and our academic staff, and deeper cooperation in scientific research, and other initiatives that will be innovations for UAMD.

UAMD's mission is institutional Europeanization and the cultivation of professionals capable of contributing competently to the rapid developments and dynamics of the times.

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