Meeting of Political Science and Law students on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the creation of NATO and the 15th anniversary of Albania's membership in the alliance.

Meeting of Political Science and Law students on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the creation of NATO and the 15th anniversary of Albania's membership in the alliance, with guest Mr. Arian Starova.
Students of Political Science and Law participated in a conversation with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Atlantic Council of Albania, Mr. Arian Starova, to talk about 2 important anniversaries; the 75th anniversary of the creation of the political and military alliance of NATO and the 15th anniversary of Albania's membership in the alliance. Mr. Starova emphasized that we often do not pay attention to the fact that we can
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economically. The security that we enjoy thanks to our Euro-Atlantic partners in all areas of daily life is the key to our well-being. The meeting was moderated and facilitated by lecturer Dr. Mirela Metushaj

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