First-year students who have the opportunity to apply for support are announced.
financial assets that meet one of the three criteria below:

1. Excellent students:
Student with an average grade on admission, who:
i. have completed upper secondary education with an average grade of 10.00;
ii. in each of the mandatory national state matura exams, it has been assessed with no less than
that the grade is scaled from 9.5 to 10.00.

2. Student Olympiad winners:
The student who won one of the first three prizes in the international pre-university education olympiads,
with more than 15 participating places, regardless of the average grade, when admitted to programs
study, related to the subject/discipline in which the award was won.

3. Students in priority programs:
The student, who has chosen to follow one of the study programs, which constitutes a national priority,
determined by the ad hoc commission, established under the ministry responsible for education, and which has
Having completed upper secondary education with an average grade, the student receives financial support through a scholarship.
mbi bazën e arritjeve akademike si me poshtë vijon :
1. me ruajtjen e notës mesatare mbi 8.00, përfiton 100% të masës së pagës minimale;
2. me ruajtjen e notës mesatare nga 6.5 deri në 8.00, përfiton 60% të masës së pagës minimale;
3. me ruajtjen e notës mesatare deri në 6.5, përfiton 30% të masës së pagës minimale
Programet prioritare në UAMD janë : Navigacion dhe Menaxhim detar, Arsim parashkollor dhe Arsim

Applications are submitted to the National Agency for Financing Higher Education (AKFAL), at
by post or by hand to the address: “Naim Frashëri” Street, no. 37, Tirana, within the period
15 October – December 15, 2024.
The application form, according to the attached model, is available at AKFAL.

The form can be found below:

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