Marine Mechanics


Program Description

The two-year Professional Diploma in "Marine Mechanics" study program is a study program that will be developed in the main unit, the Faculty of Professional Studies of the "Aleksander Moisiu" University of Durrës, by decision no. 15 dated 25.10.2019 of the basic unit, the Department of Engineering and Maritime Sciences.

The current conditions of intensive economic development of the country and in particular the maritime transport sector necessitate the need for highly qualified personnel in the marine mechanics sector, which together with the geographical position of the city of Durres (the maritime capital of the country) are the main criteria for opening this study program.

The program is based on theoretical and more practical knowledge about ship engines, electromechanisms such as anchor winches, keel winches, galley winches, air compressors, water, oil and fuel pumps, joints, aggregates such as fuel, oil and bilge separators, variators and main and auxiliary navigation engines, generators, propeller shaft lines, steering groups, electronic-electrical systems and duplication systems for air, water, oil and fuel pipelines of ships (for transporting goods, passengers, fishing, etc.).

Emphasis will be placed on repair methods and especially on maintenance techniques and periodic checks according to the function and working hours they perform.

Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "Marine Mechanic" students

Why should you study in this program?

The two-year Professional Diploma in "Marine Mechanics" study program aims to create the first generations of marine mechanics, who, in addition to theoretical knowledge, will be equipped with high practical and professional skills and abilities, capable of the national and international labor market.

The program helps in critically analyzing and thinking rationally about problems and situations to understand the various technical challenges for these systems.

This mission is fully consistent with the mission of the Faculty of Professional Studies and the “Aleksandër Moisiu” University itself to achieve the highest academic standards and professional skills and has as its main goal the preparation, qualification and rapid employment of marine mechanical personnel in the ship machinery sectors by responding as best as possible to the conditions of the market economy. We believe that this mission will be achieved through these objectives:

– preparing qualified specialists in the engine-generator and ship turbine sector.

– by preparing qualified specialists in the sector of electromechanisms, aggregates and ship steering and command systems.


Where can you get a job after completing your studies?

The Professional Diploma in Marine Mechanics creates the opportunity to be employed as a Marine Mechanics specialist at:

-the machinery sector in ships, ferries, postal vessels, etc. of our commercial fleet, or even international ones.

-repair workshops and specialist groups for the maintenance of the machinery sector of motor fishing vessels and merchant ships of various companies operating in maritime transport.
