

Program Description

Duration: 3 years (180 credits)
Diploma: Bachelor in Midwifery

The purpose of this program is the training and education of the students involved in this program
with relevant basic and medical knowledge based on their Subjects and Syllabus as well as
the development of Professional Teaching Practices, as in the Medical Laboratory near the Department
of Medical Technical Sciences, as well as in Professional Medical Practices in Hospitals
Regional. Among other things, students are equipped with the basic and Special Nursing knowledge according to
Medical Specialties, as well as with basic knowledge in the Medical Sciences of Diseases
Internal Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesia & Reanimation, Pediatrics. In the three-year program there are
Disciplines of general training (basic), Disciplines of training characteristic of the program,
characteristic, Formative disciplines chosen by students among those it offers
institution, Formative activity for foreign language knowledge, computer skills and, finally,
with Thesis Preparation for Diploma or Final Exam after which the corresponding Diploma is obtained.

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Main Objectives of the Mami Program:

  • The Bachelor study program at "Mami" aims to equip students with basic knowledge
    on general scientific methods and principles, and the formation of special habits in
    field of nursing care Mami.
  • To give students methodological skills for research, continuous opportunities in
    supplementing teaching disciplines with advanced scientific and practical knowledge.
  • This program aims to prepare specialists with professional training who are capable of
    provide "Mami" nursing care to pregnant mothers in the three prenatal periods.
  • To prepare specialists able to administer professionally and to work in
    hospitals, health centers, working with dedication to improve their health
    the sick.
  •  Students get basic knowledge for the acquisition of techniques and devices
    applicable in different clinical situations.
  • Obtaining general concepts about the organization of rehabilitation units and
    applied sociology in the context of sanitary activities.

Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates:

Employment Opportunities Offered by this Program Upon Completion:

The Bachelor program in "Mami" develops a number of skills, such as practical and communicative ones, in
direction of nursing and medical care, to hospitalized patients. The knowledge of
obtained are of general theoretical training in the field of medical technical sciences.
students, after receiving the Bachelor's Degree, can be employed in the Primary Health Service
or hospital. They complete the three-year system for Physiotherapy and have the opportunity to work in the German market as Physiotherapy. Of course, since they meet the German language criterion.

What does the practical program contain?

The program includes theoretical disciplines on medical sciences and nursing care, professional practice in hospitals and laboratories, as well as preparation for the acquisition of clinical techniques necessary in the care of mothers and children.

What is the Study Program at "Mami"?

The Bachelor's program in "Midwifery" is a three-year program with 180 credits that prepares students to become professional midwives, equipping them with theoretical and practical knowledge in the health care of mothers and children.

What are some of the objectives of the program?

  • The main objectives are to equip students with the basic scientific knowledge and practical skills to provide medical care to pregnant mothers, before, during and after childbirth, as well as to develop their skills to work in hospitals and health centers.