List of winning candidates for Round II of admissions to “Aleksandër Moisiu” University

Dear graduates,

To download the complete lists with IDs of the winning candidates, click on each study program.

Documents required for registration:

  • Identification document (ID card or passport);
  • Fotokopja e noterizuar e diplomës së Maturës Shtetërore ose dëftesa e pjekurisë, së bashku me certifikatën e notave;
  • The declaration, which is received and completed by the applicant in the presence of the teaching secretary employee and is signed by the applicant and the secretary employee;
  • Photograph for document;
  • Mandat pagesë të tarifës së regjistrimit me vlerë 1600 lekë.

I have won the major I want at UAMD. Where do I go to register?

UAMD has two locations, the main university building in Currila and the University Campus in Spitalë. For each of the Faculties, you will be presented in the buildings as follows:

  • Faculty of Information Technology (University Building, Currila)
  • Faculty of Professional Studies (University Building, Currila)
  • Faculty of Education (Building 1, University Campus, Hospital)
  • Faculty of Business (Building 2, University Campus, Hospital)
  • Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences (Building 2, University Campus, Hospital)

For any questions or concerns, write to us on social networks or at
