"Aleksandër Moisiu" University announces that the Faculty of Professional Studies, based on
in Article 100 of the Constitution, in Law No. 80/2015 “On Higher Education and Research”
scientific research in higher education institutions in the Republic of Albania”, in the Law
No. 124/2015 “On Energy Efficiency”, in Law 116/2016 “On Energy Performance
Energy in Buildings" as well as in Law No. 10081 "On licenses, authorizations and permits in
Republic of Albania", in implementation of Council of Ministers No. 407 dated 19.06.2019, Council of Ministers No. 537
dt.08.07.2020, VKM nr. 934 datë 25.11.2020 dhe Vkm nr. 958 datë 2.12.2020
Registration opens for Continuing Studies Programs
Postgraduate in Energy Auditing
For the academic year 2023-2024
Registrations will be held from 10.10.2023 to 20.11.2023.
The course starts on December 1, 2023.
They have a duration of 104 hours, spread over 8 weekends, according to the system.
part-time, hybrid, starting from Friday afternoon (15.00-18.00) and Saturday/s
Sunday (09.00-14.00).
The courses will have 30 credits and at the end of them, participants will be provided with a
Certificate of completion of the postgraduate continuing study program for
Energy audit. These certificates will be recognized by the responsible ministry, which will
to organize testing and provision of the Energy Auditor License.
Applicants for the Postgraduate course in Energy Auditing in Buildings and
Processes must be submitted for registration to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Professional
Notarized photocopy of the Diploma at the “Master of Science” or “Master” level
"Professional" in higher education in the sciences:
Mechanical engineering (profile "Energy"; machine construction and tools
moving; profile "Production and industrial management");
Electrical Engineering;
Physical engineering;
Electronic engineering;
Architecture and urban planning;
Civil Engineering (“Construction and Administration” profile);
Environmental Engineering (“Energy” profile);
Physical sciences and industrial chemistry;
Economic engineering;
Applicants for the Postgraduate course in Energy Auditing in Transport must:
submit for registration to the Secretariat of the Faculty of Professional Studies:
Notarized photocopy of the Diploma at the “Master of Science” or “Master” level
"Professional" in higher education in the sciences:
Mechanical engineering (profile "Energy"; machine construction and tools
moving; profile "Production and industrial management");
Environmental Engineering (“Energy” profile);
Urban planning
Industrial Chemistry
1- Application Form
2- Notarized copy of the “Master of Science” or “Master” degree diploma
3- Notarized copy of the work book
5- Copies of identification documents
6- 2 photos
7- CV
Payment order (Submitted two weeks after the start of the course).
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