Program Description
The Master of Science in Banking-Finance is designed to equip students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the field of banking and finance, preparing them for the challenges of the modern financial market.
The rapid developments in global economies, particularly in developing countries like Albania, have highlighted the need for qualified specialists in the banking and financial sector. This program aims to provide advanced knowledge and professional skills to address the challenges related to the stability of the financial system and risk management.
Main Objective:
Training professionals capable of:
Effective management of banking and financial institutions.
Assessment and forecasting of the financial system's condition.
The implementation of advanced techniques in finance and banking.
For more details about the courses and the structure of the program, you can download the curriculum.
3 Key Points of the Bachelor's Program in Banking and Finance:
Advanced Project Evaluation Students learn to analyze and evaluate investment projects using various advanced financial techniques.
Informed Financial Decision-Making: The program provides in-depth knowledge of financial decision-making processes for individuals, businesses, and institutions.
Effective Use of Financial Markets Përgatit studentët për të mbledhur fonde në tregjet e parasë dhe kapitalit, duke i aftësuar për të përballuar dinamikën e sektorit financiar modern.
Why should you study in this program?
The Bachelor’s program in Banking-Finance aims to prepare qualified professionals capable of facing the challenges of the financial and banking market, equipping them with in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary for this dynamic sector.
Advanced Project Evaluation Students learn to analyze and evaluate investment projects using various advanced financial techniques.
Informed Financial Decision-Making: The program provides in-depth knowledge of financial decision-making processes for individuals, businesses, and institutions.
Effective Use of Financial Markets Përgatit studentët për të mbledhur fonde në tregjet e parasë dhe kapitalit, duke i aftësuar për të përballuar dinamikën e sektorit financiar modern.
The main objectives of the program:
Development of Analytical Skills: It helps students assess and prepare economic and financial reports for any type of entity, whether public or private.
International Perspective: It enables students to analyze and assess financial systems on a global scale.
Risk Management: It trains students to apply the appropriate techniques for managing financial risk.
Knowledge of Financial Markets: It provides knowledge about the structure of financial markets, the parties involved, the financial instruments traded, and the impacts of transactions in these markets.
Where can you get a job after completing your studies?
After completing the program, students can engage in:
Regulatory or supervisory institutions of the financial system.
Commercial banks and other non-bank financial institutions.
Insurance companies, pension funds, and similar institutions.
Frequently asked questions by students…