Adela Domi, a student of the Master of Science program in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Faculty of Political Science and Law, as a representative of Albania, triumphed by being declared the winner of the NATO Student Challenge - Western Balkans among 50 candidates from all over the Western Balkans, bringing an important achievement for the university and our country. For her valuable contribution to this competition, today, she was honored with a certificate of appreciation by the Rector of the "Aleksandër Moisiu" University of Durrës, Prof. Dr. Shkëlqim Fortuzi and was warmly welcomed in a meeting by the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Law, Prof. Dr. Linert Lirëza. We also thank lecturer Dr. Mirela Metushaj for her unstinting support in this presentation. Congratulations on this well-deserved success, Adela, and thank you for the dignified representation!