Professional Master

Financial Administration


Program Description

The Professional Master in Public Administration, profile in Public Finance Administration, aims to prepare experts capable of managing and administering public finances at all levels central and local. Ky program u ofron studentëve in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the design, implementation and analysis of public financial policies, preparing them for the challenges of public finance management in the state sector.

The program is built on collaboration with interested actors in this field, making it a competitive instrument in the academic and professional market.

Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "MP Finance Administration" students

Program purpose

  • To prepare professionals capable of public finance administration at national and local level.
  • To equip students with advanced knowledge of financial resource management and public accounting.
  • To develop skills for designing and implementing strategic and sustainable financial plans.
  • To enable students to analyzing public financial challenges and finding effective solutions.

The three main points of the program

  • Administration and management of public finances: In-depth analysis of aspects of state and local finances.
  • Accounting and financial standards: Knowledge on national and international accounting standards and their application in public administration.
  • Public governance and ethics: Roll and ethical behavior and transparency in the administration of public finances.

Employment opportunities

  • Specialist in government ministries and agencies of finance.
  • Expert for local finances and budget administration in municipalities and public institutions.
  • Advisor for financial management and public accounting.
  • Analist of fiscal policies and public debt management.
  • Specialist for public accounting and international financial reporting standards.

Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates:

What are the main skills this program develops?

This program develops skills in public finance management, economic analysis and public accounting.


Is this program more theoretical or practical?

The program has a practical and analytical approach, including case studies and application of knowledge in public administration.

In which institutions can I get employed after graduation?

Graduates can work in ministries of finance, state institutions, fiscal agencies and international organizations.

Does this program help advance my career in public administration?

Yes, this program is a great advantage for those aiming for leadership roles in public finance and state administration.


What are the main disciplines covered by the program?

The program covers financial management, budget administration, accounting and fiscal policies.
