
Program Description


Official duration of the study program: Three academic years

Admission requirements for the specific study program

The student must hold one of the following diplomas:

  • State Matura Diploma
  • High school diploma (general or specialized), old system.
  • Vocational high school diploma (5 years).

– Secondary education diploma, obtained abroad, recognized and equivalent to the above diplomas by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth.

Specialists in the field of school, developmental and educational psychology, contributing as psychologists to the educational system as well as to care institutions.

Main Objectives of the Program::

  1. To prepare students with basic knowledge and skills of psychology for careers in psychology with a special focus on school, educational, developmental, counseling, and clinical psychology.
  2. To prepare students who have a high interest in career development in the field of school psychology, education and development, in a deep understanding of psychological theories and research in a wide range of contexts.

Opportunity for further studies: Master Shkencor “Psikologji Shkollore dhe Zhvillimore”,

Employment and professional qualification opportunities

  • Specialists in the field of school, developmental and educational psychology, contributing as psychologists to the educational system as well as to care institutions.
  • Scientific researchers in the field of school, developmental and educational psychology, contributing with new research and findings, especially in the field of applied psychology in education, development and counseling.