English language


Program Description

The Bachelor's degree program in "English Language" is a university study program, in the first cycle of studies. This study program is three years and is offered at the Faculty of Education, by the Department of Foreign Languages ​​since the academic year 2006-2007 and onwards. This study program aims to prepare specialists in English language, culture, history and literature.

This study program offers:

  • advanced knowledge not only of the written and spoken language, but also of English culture, history and literature, including a critical understanding of theories and principles in this field of study.
  • advanced skills that demonstrate high competence in solving complex problems in this field of study.

Pedagogical and methodological preparation to maximize the success of "English Language" students.

Main Objectives of the Program::

  • To provide in-depth theoretical and practical training in language-based subjects.
  • To provide advanced knowledge of the language, literature, and culture of English-speaking peoples.
  • To develop advanced skills in the field of English language teaching.
  • To develop advanced skills for reflection and professional development.

Frequently Asked Questions by High School Graduates:

What are the admission requirements for the English Language program?

  • To be admitted to the program, students must have a State Matura diploma or a high school diploma. Diplomas obtained abroad must be recognized and equivalated by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth.

What are the program's competencies?

The Bachelor's degree program "English Language" includes diverse disciplines, which provide general university education and aim to:

  • Equipping students with basic applicable knowledge and skills in accordance with their general linguistic, literary, historical, and English-speaking civilizational background.
  • Equipping students with very good knowledge of the English language.
  • The ability to communicate in different contexts and fields using the appropriate linguistic registers in the appropriate context.
  • Possession of a high level of knowledge of the disciplines of the study program (linguistics, literature, history and English-speaking civilization).
  • The ability to apply linguistic and literary competencies acquired in bibliographic research, in drafting summaries and reports on certain study arguments.


What are the employment opportunities after studies?

Employment and professional qualification opportunities

During this study program, students follow teaching practices in lower secondary education institutions, public and non-public pre-university education schools. Teaching practices enable students to use the knowledge acquired in theoretical courses in a practical context.

Students graduating from the Bachelor of English Language program can be employed as:

  • Teacher of foreign language centers.
  • Tourist guide to museums, historical and cultural centers.
  • Employee of foreign and public relations offices in all public and private institutions.
  • Media worker 
  • Researcher and cultural mediator.
  • Translator at translation company

Is there an opportunity to continue studies after completing this program?

Opportunities for further studies:

In the second cycle of Professional Master or Master of Science studies.

