The partnership’s vision is to create new opportunities for the tourism sector in the Balkan region. More specifically:
a) Introduce a new occupational profile, the “Sustainable Tourism Advisor”, who will support SMEs in the Tourism and Hospitality sector on how to transform their businesses to become sustainable (responsible, green, social and digital).
b) Develop a training course with the title “Sustainable Tourism Advisor” as a blended learning course, combining face-to-face and distance learning offered via online environments.
c) Training of trainers in the methodology and the curriculum of the new profile in order to create a significant number of trainers in Albania and Kosovo.
d) Develop a “Toolkit of Pedagogical Resources” & a “Digital Online platform” for the Advisor. There will be a number of tools and diagnostics, that will support the advisor in identifying strengths and weaknesses in hospitality and tourism SMEs and how sustainability can improve them, and the acquisition of the above competencies for tourism SMEs.
f) Create a Community of Practice to promote transnational cooperation of trainers and training institutes in the fields of vocational education and labour market towards sustainable transformation in the Tourism sector to enhance the project’s impact and sustainability.
g) Implementation of dissemination activities to promote the above competencies among trainers, facilitators, and trainees in Albania and Kosovo, in VET, for implementing the sustainable transformation in the tourism sector with a focus on hospitality.